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Midnight: 175cm -> 235cm

Mt. Lady: 162cm -> 102cm

Ideas are welcomed for the interactive image.




Though you were gonna use Mt. Lady's giant height


I's difficoult to use their powers here, Mount lady would just nullify the result, while Midnight can only put Mt lady to sleep. In case you won't use their powers, here a couple of ideas: Midnight spanking Mt lady, considering their dynamic brat/veteran in the manga; Midnight wearing Mt lady's costume to tease her while holding her (maybe even pretending a rescuing scene); Similar costume swapping, but here she dresses Mt lady as a sidekick of sort.

Simpsons Reference

For the interaction I'd like to see Mt Lady try to grow but still end up shorter than Midnight


If there were 1066 total votes wouldn’t the height transfer have been 106cm?


Maybe when Mt. Lady tries to outgrow Midnight it just adds more to Midnight's height giving Midnight a pleasurable sensation and rush of power


Maybe Midnight is rubbing Mt. Lady through her costume? Or she's doing the holding-against-the-wall pose that those two pornstars made so popular a while back.