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I worked on this during the weekend because injured my right hand fixing the house's roof last week and couldn't hold a pen (or anything). But I'm all better now so I'll be working on the two pending commissions series I have left (Twins & Ahri Growth).

This little game was just messing around with stuff. Potions shrink you, cakes restore you, you can pick up your clothes once you're back to regular size. Let me know what you guys think. : )

Download below or on this link: https://mega.nz/#!JewERIZD!yP-9qERRXB-AmEPwGwU0Fcy5rCzJp6_TmNml2ccezVQ




Looks interesting, hope you feel better soon Ink!


Speedy recovery Ink. The game looks promising, is it something you plan to continue working on?


Don't know what to make of it. Just wanted to see if I could make something move RPG-like and shrink. Don't have a clear idea of what to make. : P