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A couple of days ago, this Patreon page was suspended. The reason was that I can't have any nsfw images as "Public", so I had to turn them all to at least "Patron Only". Unfortunately, that means that if you want to look at my stuff, you have to give $$$, which I don't really like to do... but I have no other choice. : \

Also, I had to get rid of an incest image which you can read more about here:


So, if I get another commission like that, I'll just not give characters names/relation, you can imagine them to be whatever you want them to be. ; )

I will still keep uploading stuff here, however with the "Patron Only" tag... but I will also upload my stuff onto my Twitter, Pixiv and DeviantArt accounts, always free to view:




If anyone has a site where they would like to see my stuff upload (and that doesn't restrict/force me to censor), please let me know. : )

Also, URL changed to patreon.com/inksGirls




I know there are Japanese Patreon-like websites pixivFANBOX and ci-en.jp but I guess they don't support Spanish or English... and maybe you will need a Japanese bank account to receive support...


I'm not really looking for anything Patreon-ish (pay to view), just any gallery site that would give me hell for having "outlandish" content. Though thanks for the suggestions, I've been wanting to like into Pixiv's FANBOX, but just haven't had the time. An alternative would be saving up cash and making/hosting my own site. : P