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Really, I don't understand, what I'm doing wrong. Maybe somepony can help? Maybe it's because I try to make sfw and nsfw patreon together, but I don't know how divide them, it is no any tags or somethink, and I think make two patreons, one for sfw and one for nsfw it is not good idea, oh 6_9. I really confused and don't understand what I do wrong( Sorry for whine.

PS oh and I finished Rarity and coloring Dash



I was not aware you were doing anything wrong, what makes you think so?


only 17 good people and 60$ for half of year, I have much more followers in my blogs, and my friend reached 600$ for year. it is demotivate(


Sadly it can be hard if you don't have a name out there already. I have a few friends who are artists as well. They do great work, but haven't gotten their name out enough yet. Try advertising some time? Work with other named artists maybe in a collaboration, or art trade so their followers see your art? NSWF/SWF both together are good so that you can show folks your not just a one sided pony.


Thank you for your answers and advices, now I have about what to think and some ideas to do. Big big thank you all (>^w^)>