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The Casino's in Derenelon were slowly becoming the most popular pass time for incoming adventurers. Few things beat gambling, booze and pretty girls in bunny costumes. 

All of them curvy, clad in latex or leather or nylon, or all of the baove.

Actually, the popularity of the casino's was at a level where some of the adventurers opted to give up their adventuring ways and seek a new job there. I mean, who wouldn't want to feast their eyes on these ladies every day? Especially when they were all so cute and always liked to hug and kiss and cuddle with their customers. 

"Hit me." One of the C ranked adventurers said confidently to the bunny girl that was serving the black jack table. She giggled, wiggled her breasts in front of his face and did as he wanted. "I knew it. Another win."

He said confidently. The girl only smiled warmly at him, her lush, crimson eyes beaming innocently, her flowing blonde hair falling over her cute features. 


She thought and pressed her white heel against the cock of another adventurer that was tied up beneath the table. 

He was as confident as you were only a few days ago. Now I get to play with him all day long. Just win and inhale and stare at my eyes and my boobs. Sooner or later, you too shall be beneath one of these tables my silly little plaything.

He won again and again. Oblivious to the perfumed aphrodisiac which Loreline had installed in each and every casino in the city. She made it a constant loop of winning, drooling and inhaling. The girls were, of course in on it. And why wouldn't they be?

They got to keep all of the boys they wanted to. The rest? They shipped either to the church or to one of the witches that needed more test subjects. Sometimes, they even traded them to the beautiful creatures of the forest for rare items and relics.

"I win again!" The C ranked adventurer yelled in bravado and confidence. The bunny girl smiled again as she felt the cock of her plaything twitch beneath her heel as he came once again in silence and masochism. 

"Hey hero. Since you are so good with cards, what do you think of working in the casino?" She told him and batter her eyelashes at him. He gulped. "The pay is good and you would get to see me every day."


A little something before the first audio story drops!



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