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“Hmmm.” Juicy pondered as she looked down on you, as yet another yummy orgasm melted you in bliss. “So you seem to be especially weak to gooey toys.♥”

You open your mouth to answer but only a pitiful whine escapes your lip. Juicy cups your chin and fondles your cheeks warmly, the warmth of her silky skin melting more of your resistances and barriers.

“I knew picking you as my toy tester was a good choice.” She says with girlish enthusiasm.

Taking off the gooey blob filled with your cum from your cock, she places it upon the table next to her. Instead she takes what looks like a piece bubble gum. One hand on hip, she turns to you again, her breasts jiggling hypnotically as she fluidly spins to you.

“Now say “ahhh” for me cupcake.” Juicy chirps as you obediently open your mouth. Her perfect, pretty face not an inch away from yours as she bends down and plants the bubble gum inside of your mouth. “Don’t worry hun, that isn’t a soul. I know you hunters are very well versed with what I usually do with my toys, but this is simple bubble gum, dipped with some kinky aphrodisiac I found down in hell.”

As she explains you start chewing the bubble gum. In an instant, the sugary, addictive taste spreads through your body, frying your senses, nerves and anything else that made you human. In that one second you have been turned into an empty husk that only feels one thing, and one thing alone.


The gum expands in your mouth, locking your chin tightly open as it oozes out of your mouth before swallowing your head as well. Juicy giggles at you, finding the silhouette of your face amusing. 

You cannot breathe, yet even the pain in your chest is nothing more but a pleasurable burn that you yearn to feel more of.

“Seems like you like it.” She says smoothly as you cum all over her feet. Juicy smirks and gently places her foot upon your chest, before, with a light shove, she sends you falling upon your back. The pink skinned demoness takes a small vial a strange, violet liquid and hovers it over your body. While giggling excitedly, she lets the contents of the vial drip all over your bare chest. That same warm, sugary feeling that has trapped your head now spreads all over your body, encasing you tightly in mushy bondage. “You look much better like this.”

Juicy giggles before languidly walking over to your trapped frame. She lifts her petite foot and places it upon your chest. Inside of your gummy prison, you cum again and again. Not only from the great pleasures that the bondage has bestowed upon you, not only from the basking masochism that you feel from her simply placing her foot upon you, but also because of the molten bliss that has melted your mind away from simply being obedient to your mistress.

She places some weight upon your chest and you feel yourself sink into the puffy floor.

“You were useful pet. But broken, I cannot test anything on you anymore.” She mocks a pout as her breasts jiggle again. “At least I’ll allow you to cum your silly brains out forever and ever and ever.

Juicy lifts her foot from your body theatrically and saunters off into the darkness of her lair. You spend the remainder of your days being drained by the yummy floor of the succubus that broke your mind.


Second to last story of the month! The last one will be either another Flash Kink on the 28th and the final chapter of "Eclipse and Lexi on a Cruise" a few days later, or the other way around.

Expect a poll in regards to Loreline's outfit  when the current poll ends and I will see ya soon!



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