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Garret, a newly promoted B ranked adventurer, sets off on a quest for the beautiful local witch. But will he finish it and claim her admiration? Or will the devious kinks of  a slime girl ruin his plans?


I was playing Etrian Odyssey the other than and it hit me to write a short Flash Kink similar to the world of those games.

But fuck me, I had so much fun writing it that it just went on and on and on. I know some of you have been wanting more stories like this so I think I'll make it into a series. The stories will be loosely connected, and some of the characters might appear again if you guys like them a lot.

This one is filled to the brim with teasing before the final Bad End, so if that is your cup of tea I think you will have ... blast with this story.

Anywho, more content coming pretty soon. Probably a Flash Kink before Part 1 of Rise of the Mummy Queen, but we'll see how it goes. 

Take care.





wow... just wow <3