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Hey, been a while, been plugging away at the RR2 storyboard. It's shaping up to be pretty beefy, and I can't lie— it's looking a bit daunting but I just gotta pace things and chip away at it slowly.

There's A LOT of surprises in it that I know people will be VERY happy to see.

Previews of RR2 will be kept really short and scarce. I don't wanna give too much of it away— sorta spoiled most of RR1 with previews by the time it came out 😅😅

Expect to see a nice short rosa vid coming in about a week 👌😊

thank you again for your patience!



keep it up champion! you're doing gods work.


Really like how their balls vein up before and during orgasm. Hope we can get a good view without them bouncing all over the screen. lol