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Hi Everyone! We've always tried to be really good about our schedules and keeping up to date, and even recording ahead of time just in case, but Mom and our editor were just hit with Covid! I was hit bad with bronchitis last week, but because we had done some extra recording ahead of time, we didn't worry about it so much. However, with the recovery time for this being a bit longer, we wanted to let you know that there will be some delays this week, but more videos will be coming as soon as we can get out there and film! 


Krista Han

Noo, sending lots of blessings and good, healing energy 🙏💫 Remember to eat healthy, lots of veggies, fruit and protein, vitamins, etc. And remember to still like move around so your bodies don't get lazy~ Here's something I like to listen to when I'm feeling sick and it helps a lot. I leave it through the night and I feel a little better every morning. https://youtu.be/jK2hS40pr-g