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Hey everyone! Hope your all enjoying the advent of Spring and other seasons depending on your geographic location.

Feb was a great month and I produced a bunch of comic pages for Fat Adventure Time which has been a long time goal for me to get back into comcis and try and take my art to the story element as a way to make bigger projects to get ready for the eventual game I have always dreamed of making.

I've drawn Beyonce also which was a great little celebrity piece. I mean to do some more Celebrity pieces in the future.

My personal updates are that I have been training for the last few month to embark on an unsupported bicycle tour across Europe. Cycling from Dublin to Rome as my first out of country cycling tour its been a huge endevour to get this adventure on the way.

I will be trying to do some updates on here but they will largely be of the sketch and watercolor variety, which will be a big change of pace for me and for you guys. I know alot of you may want to suspend your support until I am in a more studio fixed location to continue digital artwork.

At 26 going on 27 I need to do some travelling before I commit to another full time job where I will probably go back to teaching and working part time on here. I hope many of will continue to support me on here and I will always try to put up sketches I make of fatties and fat sketches of little comics I make on my travels.

I will be starting my trip on the 17th, actually St. Patricks Day. In Ireland its a bit of a cop out and pretty boring affair but the roads will be clear. I aim to be away for up to 8 weeks which will sadly include my year anniversary using Patreon but when I get back and find the time I will dedicate a huge illustration to that, maybe an enormous 10,000lbs Nadine Harriet or something or a calender of my biggest illustrations over the last year and email and post to any who want it!

In the next two weeks I hope to get some time to finish the F.A.T. comic lines and do mainly sketches of the celbrity weight gain stuff and finish any outstanding work I have or prep it for when I come back.

Sorry for the tldr information but hopefully it will answer any questions you have if your finding I am a bit slow on updates.

But I want to finish by saying all the support you guys have given me keep me getting up and taking my Fat Art seriously in a professional way and keeps me producing some of my best work every time I put pen to paper! It gives me the support to get the gear I need for my travels and to pay my bills and support my family. You guys are amazing.




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