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Okay, here is page one linework of FAT my comic I started working on when I began Patreon way back in April 2016!

I know I didnt progress and create it as quickly as I had intended but with the extra time of not doing as many rewards, I have been able to focus on my own projects which I can release to you guys here.

I intend to self publish this and have it for sale as a full color and eventually digitally interactive comic you can read on touch devices. Where patrons will be exclusively thanked for their contributions in bringing it together.

It's been a long time since I have gotten over my disastrous attempt at breaking into the mainstream comicbook industry, my work was thrown out and I wasnt creditted and it was a shit show. I have been afraid to dedicate time into a comic since.

But I really want to create stories with my artwork. I hope you enjoy page one. If you have comments or critiques let me know or drop a comment. Cheers.



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