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Update on the Bernie sketch now done in lineart. It's good to get some work going again after a emotionally thought time there the past few weeks. Day by day things are easier and I am getting my mojo back. 

I really like the sense of her belly being absolutely gigantic here and her upper middle belly will be colored as if its full of food and stuffed to the max. She is eating from a sliding trough of food afterall. I also went all out on her boobs to make them see truly huge. She is sitting on the edge of her bed and overflowing it in every direction.

Colors will be coming soon.



Bob the Builder

Yep, that's that 90 point font coming through in that upper middle belly, swollen taut to bursting with food.


Oh god, yes! That’s the stuff. Bernie is freaking massive. X3


She's definitely a natural that's for sure! lol