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A fun Billie Eilish in some of her iconic looking outfits weighing maybe 750lbs and just able to waddle about stage and sing. Then we have her guest presenting SNL and wearing a hotelier costume which I thought was cute. But she loves stealing meals and deserts. 

Most of the guests in the gag only go to that venue to see her waddle around. Followed by Billie in her bleached blond hair, bra and corset top with stretched tight leggings. 

The coloring process took a while on this one with alot of back and forth across each version. Bit by bit I got through it. Its not hard to not be inspired by Billie being a super obese celeb with her incredible body and love for food in RL.

Also in this post is a commission I got from my friend and collaborator Shadydancer1 who is a very talented writer. Detailing a What If scenario where Billie during lockdown cant stop eating and puts on a few hundred pounds. I wanted to make it look as if it was a real diary for a laugh. Enjoy reading the rest of the story here in the post.

Billie Eilish: Dear Diary Story Commission.

Entry One:

Lockdown fucking sucks. We’re only a month in and I hate this shit. I’m stuck inside with nothing to do but sit on my couch and hit Netflix. Everything is closed. Nothing is open. Can’t hit the club, can’t go and do concerts. Can’t even go down to the studio to try and get something down. It’s like the whole country is just frozen and here I am sitting on my ass watching the TV with nothing to do.
I’m bored as hell. Like there’s no incentive to write or anything. What could I even write about? Sleeping in? Watching Stranger Things? Going on my dumbass exercise bike? As if anyone would like that shit. No, I just don’t feel like it. Or really feel like any music at the moment. You’d think in a situation like this I could have all the time I wanted to work on whatever I wanted, and would be able to cook up something really sick. Hell I probbably would have thought that not too long ago but nope, I’m just staring at the walls and bouncing off them like a crazy person.
Hell, I woke up late today. Went on the exercise bike for a half an hour but I’d really wish I could have gone out for a proper run or something. Got some fresh air in and all that and feel better. But nope, can’t so I just sweated my ass in that stupid sports bikini and felt like I hadn’t made any kind of improvement. Kinda sucked really so I had a shower and then just fucked around in front of the TV.
Its like all I got to do is eat. But I don’t have too much in the house now. Should really have more hanging about in case of a volcano erupting, or hurricane or zombie apocalypse or a pandemic or something. Just in case. I can order more online but I bet its all clogged up with people who can’t go out to shop so it might be a while. Should work. There’s got to be plenty of places that do vegetarian stuff that I can find online.
Lunch I got some of those organic soba noodles which made me feel better at least. Nothing like some hot noodles with soup and vegetables. That went down well and I just hung by the windows for a bit. Sure wish I could have gone and hung out with someone, maybe go get some cocktails at a club or just grab some drinks and head to a park. Like, pre lockdown shit. I bet everyone is missing that though. Didn’t feel like I was the only one but still. Can’t even talk to people about collabing with anything as everyone seems to be having their own social media meltdown over being locked up inside.
Crashed out watching more Netflix for a while but I forced myself to go on the bike more before dinner. I’ll probably head out on a jog or something for that tiny bit of time I’m actually allowed to go outside for. Gotta make it before curfew though so that’s a total fucking pain. Those bums in government better have this whole thing sorted out pretty quickly.
Gonna have some vegetarian lasagne tonight, got leftovers of one in the freezer from last week that I can just heat up and enjoy. At least I don’t have to fuck around trying to cook something more complicated. I also managed to speak to mom and dad earlier and they suggested I try and work in a routine or something to keep myself occupied so that I don’t go completely crazy. This little diary being one. Gonna try and focus on doing some regular exercise so that I don’t just go to shit and force myself to see if I can get some stuff written. Gonna make myself creative even if this kills me, I swear.
Entry Two:
God, I hate this. So boring and I can’t even keep up with this dumbass schedule. Made myself go for a short jog about the place when I got up but I just felt tired and wanted to stay in bed. Still did it and in good time, wasn’t out of breath or anything but I did a round on the exercise bike once I got back and that just makes me wanna stick a spike through my eye, like damn, how much can sitting on a metal bike and listening to those gears go whirr and up and down and it just bores the hell of out me. My legs feel sore too and I just end up sitting on my sore ass afterwards, puffing and huffing.
I guess they say that exercise is supposed to be shitty, so it burns all the fat and stuff and so that you feel all the more good afterwards? Well, that just makes me hate it more. I gotta huff and puff and go red in the face like a fucking tomato just so I don’t get fat shamed by some lame-ass news article because they got nothing decent to write abut and wanna talk about my ass size. Hell, don’t I wear my clothes the way I do so I don’t get all those weird body shame comments from everyone and everyone. It’s all bullshit.
If anything, this is just making me hungrier. Like, a ton hungrier. Maybe it’s because of all the working out or just because the only thing you can really do out here is eat. Like, eating takes up my time, it gives me something to do and think about rather than just staring at the walls like a lemon.
Point is, I had two bowls of oatmeal. Like two big ones. I usually just have one, with a little honey to make it taste nice, but I just dumped the stuff out this time. I don’t know what came over me, I swear my gut had a speaker in it, and it was just blasting out on max volume. Hell, what can I do? Say no to it? So I had a bigass full bowl and I can’t lie but I coated that shit in honey. Sweet as hell. Super sweet. Gulped all that shit down, filled my gut up and then once I had emptied that sucker clean, I still felt hungry. Crazy right? But I didn’t have much else to do and I got plenty of oatmeal and so I made another bowl, as big as the other one. I mean, what can it do? It’s just oats and stuff, its not like that sort of thing is fattening or anything. It’s natural, people eat it all the time. It won’t kill me for having a bit extra.
Well, after I ate those two monsters, I felt pretty full- at last. Got my ass into the shower to rinse off all that nasty ass sweat and felt my belly was a bit bloated. Couldn’t help but laugh at that. All that almond milk and oatmeal sure did stuff me up!
Anyways, I didn’t do much else afterwards. I just lay on my ass and watched some “Stranger Things” while drinking some white claws I had sitting the fridge. Before I knew it, I was episodes deep and had blown the lot. Naughty me I guess, but who cares. I’m by myself in here, can;t see bro or anything so I can drink whatever booze I want and burp this place down and nobody will give a shit.
Lunch was just me downing some dutch cheese sandwiches, though I really need to restock on food supplies and get stuff ordered in so I can keep making food for myself. So yeah, made myself one and then kicked back some more. Tried to make myself do the a full hour of “creative” time- I don’t know, playing music or drawing stuff out or whatever it takes to try and get my brain doing the shit I needed to. Well it lasted less than a hour and I couldn’t keep it up so I just lay on my bed blasting music and zoning out so I could act like the world wasn’t real.
I know. Really responsible of me.
Anyway. I had my dinner and I couldn’t be fucked to make anything so I decided to order myself a pizza. Vegetarian of course. Luckily the delivery’s service is still working and up despite everything. Got a whole nine inch to myself- beautiful hot pizza with some gooey cheese, fried peppers and aubergine all over the slices. I sat right there in my underwear, listening to the speakers and pushing those hot triangles of fucking awesome into my mouth. Perfectly stringy cheese with that added vegetable crunch just hits so right. I ate that thing like some possessed girl out of a horror movie. Munch and munch. God I deserved it for going through this lockdown so far.
Thinking I might dye my hair a new colour. Break from green for a while. Going back to blue-silver maybe. That would be cool.
Entry Three:
Finally found something to fill my time and it’s cooking. I know everyone’s been on all that shit about baking, at least when this pandemic thing started. Well I wasn’t on that train but I sure as fuck am on this one. I got a whole bunch of recipes and stuff off the internet for all sorts of meals. I got Chinese, Japanese, Mexican, Italian. Been making this shit for every meal and it’s a great way to keep the boredom off. I can slap on some music and just mix and cook. Plus my Instagram loves it. I mean it’s not the usually art house shit I post on my main timeline but it makes for cool stories and stuff. I stuffed myself with this one pot Moroccan tag one- fat ass spoonfuls of it just going in- tasting those aubergines and corgettes with all the spices mixed in for the kick to go with it. Yesterday I had some fire salsa salad and then some bean burgers that I fried up. I meant to make five and save three of them but, fuck I couldn’t help it. Ate all of those crispy guys and it felt great.
Exercise has been okay… I guess, been two weeks since my last entry but I don’t know. Kinda fell off the wagon a bit. Haven't really done much of the exercise bike and I guess my morning run is more of a walk….
Oh yeah. The other thing, my uh, Underwear has been getting a bit tight of late. I kinda ignored it for the first few days but my bra had a bunch of issues when I put it on in the morning.
So yeah. I went to the shower and got my stuff off and yeah, I got a bit of a muffin top going. Well, at least more of a muffin then usual. It’s like a squishy ring or something, and there’s all the marks from where’s my pants have been tight on me. It’s my thighs too, I’m getting puffier down there-more chub to pinch at. Good thing I don’t really feel any bad about it. It’s just a bit of chub that’s all. Maybe it’ll make my butt look better? And isn’t Taylor Swift looking a bit dumpier than usual? Or is it Katy Perry? I saw it on some pop news thing or something. Or was it both of them? Who cares?
Dyed my hair. Looks pretty fire, as I thought it would. Kinda goes nice with my lips as usual. I think this one is more pastel than silver,
Self Care Plan:
Only exercise when I feel like it, no forced shit, only makes me feel worse
Cook- takes up the time and gives me something to do
Face mask! Keep my skin good
Don’t judge myself for spending time on Netflix
Watch a movie if I have nothing to do and feel bored
No compulsion to work or write. Don’t force it
Get it plenty of good sleep
Entry Four:
Oh damn, I think I’ve fallen off the wagon properly now. I haven’t touched that exercise bike in weeks or something. It’s kinda just gathering dust now and I kinda feel better for it? No more of that stupid whirring as I just puff on that fucking piece of metal. I could couldn’t get up and sit my ass on it, made me feel like ass so I figured there’s no point. Might just pack it up and put it away. It would take up less room that way.
Aaaaaanyways. I’m still fucking around. Cooking is the way to go and when I don’t feel like baking or frying something, I stick on a movie or play a game on my PC or something. Just grateful to have the money to do it. Had some oatmeal and maple syrup which went down hell good, had me licking my fingers like crazy to get that sweet sugary syrup off. Followed it up with a pot of yogurt. Well, then another one after that but it’s not like it’s something bad. Yogurt’s just milk, I can’t do much to you.
I’d come low in cooking supplies and some of it I couldn’t order, so I didn’t go for a jog and I went out for a quick shopping trip instead. I know I had my cheat day for jogging yesterday but hell, I can do what I want. I’m not a little kid any more.
People talk shit about these mask things but I for one think they’re not bad. Don’t have to worry about people recognising me when I got my mask on and my hair under a hood. Though I gotta say, when I put my pants on earlier, they felt even tighter. So did my shirt. Like, taunt across my shoulders and my sides. Am I filling out? Or has it just shrunken?
Anyways I got all the stuff I needed, along with some new ink pens and pads for doodling. Stopped off by the candy isle and decided to get some snacks. I’m treating myself after all aren’t it? I should add that to my list for self care. I saw something about it going n insta and I thought it would be good to keep me sane in this whole pandemic thing,
So yeah. I bought a bag of candy bars and chocolate, kinda a lot now I think if it but I’ll just make it last out over a few weeks or something. Damn I love Hersley bars. Then I also decided to grab a pretzel while I was out. Fire. Then a soda cup to tide me home. Now I’m just rocking out on the sofa, with my feet up and some Hersley to keep me going. Getting some pretty cool and spooky ideas for videos I’ve been drawing down. Totally suits my whole vibe and aesthetic. Once I’m done with them I’ll just save them for later in case something I write really goes well with what I imagined.
Showed off my hair on Instagram too and people seem to like it. Silvery is a look for sure! Sorta beats out the blonde-dark E-girl look for how but who knows, I might head back to it later.  Might doodle myself down with some other hairstyles. Could make some fire album art at least. Maybe I should try and go into that? I bet I could really nail some cool colours for my songs. Would look pretty lit showing up on the Spotify screen at least or as a Twitter banner.
Gonna is at my dinner in a couple of hours and I figured I might as well treat myself again. When I got back I had some veggie  fritters for lunch but I got an add from the local pizza place saying they’d expanded their vegetarian selection and I gotta say it does look pretty tasty. Might even order two to try it out for another time. Need me some cheesy goodness to feel better. And I can just jog it off tomorrow anyway, get those calories burned. Not that there’s many in them. Damn, I really should just stop thinking that. Saw an Insta page today talking about policing your own body and stuff and how it’s really not good.
Anyway, later.
Entry Five:
Holy shit, it’s been a week since I remembered to write this thing. I kinda was out of it all last week and it ain’t got me feel proud.
Well I said I would try out the pizza place and it’s new range so I did. I ordered two veggies that Sunday night- Mushroom and Garlic, then feta and vegetables. Fuck it was good. The mushrooms were perfectly grilled and the feta melted into this perfect gloop of goodness. I’d meant to eat half of eat and then save the pizzas for lunch but, I can’t lie to myself- I had to have every last fucking bit.
I just ate and ate and ate, shoved each of those slices into my mouth and munched away. It was too good to refuse, and I’m supposed to be enjoying myself right? So what if some good fucking food is my way to feel better about all this huh? I’m not gonna let anyone else tell me what to do, I’m not a kid any more.
So yeah. I had a damn good feast, eating every single one of those things and licked the cheese off my fingers so I got every last bit. It felt good, fuck it felt amazing! I just sat back on the sofa and damn, I felt like a melon! My belly was all hard and just poked out of me like I was pregnant! Felt like I was fit to burst! I put Stranger Things on and just let it all digest- gurgling like a waterfall. It was pretty funny, I won’t lie. I even played it like a drum a couple of times. Slapping out a tune on my own belly lol.
So anyway, I watched the gang on ST until I finished that season and then hauled my ass off to bed, my belly still looking pretty full. This how Katy Perry felt? I felt like I was as big as her lol. I slept good. Like, super good.
Woke up the next day, and I’d digested most of it so I just lazed about in PJs. But after lunch, I thought about how much I had enjoyed the pizza that night before so I thought I might as well say fuck it and have another. So I did. I had an artichoke and olive one and it tasted amazing. Hella good. So when the next day rolled around I went and ordered another pizza. Veggie and Avacado.
What I’m getting to is that for this whole week I ate a whole pizza every night. Well, not strictly true as I ate two pizzas on the first night and the last two nights I ate two pizzas in one sitting as well. But, I feel great! It’s like the release I had is something I’ve been craving for all of this dumb lockdown so far, a change to just let go and enjoy myself! Got myself a few crates of beers too so I can really just throw my feet up and let myself have at it.
Hell if I keep feeling this good, why should I even stop?
I’m thinking I should keep going!
I was looking over a bunch of other pizza places last night and they got new toppings or variations too. All for veggies! It’s heaven. I think I might have to order a pair in for tonight. I got a Zoom call with some girlfriends I haven’t seen for a few months but I guess they won’t mind if I snack a little through it. Besides the call shouldn’t take too long. It’s just a catch-up since we’ve all been locked away from each other for so long. I do kinda miss the company. But at least I got the food to make up for it
Speaking of food, I saw one of those shitty E news things last night. Boy, Taylor S and Katy P have really gone off the wagon. Apparently it’s some sort of feud or something? Manufactured bullshit if you ask me. I know some weirdos have been saying it’s been all the range since Iggy hit the ground hard and turned into some lardass. Well apparently they had some falling out or challenge at an awards party before lockdown and it’s been a while since then. Taylor got seen stuffing her face in some park with a  big-ass gut poking out from under her shirt. Literally drinking chocolate protein powder with her box of donuts! It’s crazy! And then they compared it to Katy who was seen at some rich guy’s private beach with one hell of a pair of titties. They looked like melons stuffed into her bikini and that belly made me think she was pregnant again! Reality really must have lost its shit if this is how celebrities are acting!
Entry Six:
Dude I’m fat. I can’t fucking deny this shit any more.
It hit this morning when I rolled out of bed and I accidentally tipped the pizza box over. I got crusts all in my comforter and I had to clean it out later, sucks I know.
So I got up, checked my phone to see it was 11AM and I’d slept in again. Again again. I’ve been getting up late for like, the past month now, so I’m not really surprised. Found I had last slice from the two pizzas and sides last night and some beer left so I ate those bastards up and went to get dressed.
That’s when I found out. I went to pull some pants on and it just flopped over. I don’t even know how I didn’t notice it before. My gut was just *there*. Like, it had been like that the whole time?  It rolls over the waistband, pushing out in this round bump of white pale skin and when I turned to follow it around my waist, I got a roll of fat that just goes all the way sprung me. Looks like the tire on a bicycle.
I got a gut?
I’m trying to figure out how like, I didn’t notice it before. I got to have at least felt it or like, seen it. How could I just ignore it? It’s my own body for fucks sake. And then I realised how snug my pants were about my thighs. Like how wide they were, filling out the fabric.
Now I would have just gotten on with it and like, analysed what was happening later, but when I went to put my bra on (I’d gone without it the last few days. I saw an insta story saying it’s good to let the skin breathe and stuff) but I couldn’t do it up. Like I tugged and I tugged, pulling hard at that son of a bitch but the latch couldn’t connect. So I went in the mirror and you know what! My fucking tits have grown!
No kidding, like they sag down like a whole inch more and they’ve puffed up like fucking buns in the oven. I just gawked at the fucking things and felt them. I hadn’t even noticed how much heavier they were before but now, it’s like plain as day! Not too sure on their size but they’re definitely like, melons or grapefruits or something. They got a big of sag and weight to them tho, but once I get a proper bra to keep them up, I’m gonna look hot as fuck! People used to say I had big tits before but now? Damn! Look out JLH I’m coming for your fat ass!
Took a shower and yeah I’m thick now. IDK if it was some sort of fugue thing but I really can see it now. I brought in a mirror and yeah, when I don’t have the right pants squeezing it in, my ass is like, nearly double the size. I grab it and it feels like literal bread dough, I reckon I can probably get some pretty mean twerks if I wanted to.
There’s the bike tire roll that goes all the way around my middle and I think I’m starting to get like those back boobs things. There’s my tits of course, which I find now are hanging downwards, getting closer to my belly (they look pretty cool with the water rushing off them) and my belly itself which is kinda the size of a football. It pushes out and I can sort of suck it in to kinda hide it if I need to, but I don’t really think I’ll care. I kinda like it, looks like one of those pretty bitches in those old classical paintings and such.
Oh yeah, my arms and legs are thicker too, I talked about my thighs but I got like, hanging fat on my arms and my legs have a wider dumpy look. I don’t think I have much muscle now, but I really shouldn’t be surprised. I haven’t really exercised in months now. Not much on my face yet.
So yeah. I got dressed and decided (after a few bowls of oatmeal) to try a little experiment. I got my titties squeezed into a nice black crop top and saw how the upper parts of my buns are just like, popping out, and then i did a little dance on an Instagram video. Kept it all above waist and stuff to keep my tum out of view but I like, did a little range to some music or whatever. Then I waited to see if anyone noticed.
Boy they sure did! I got a ton of stuff talking about how I’ve gone up a couple of cup sizes, probably more!  They rocked it on the video, just bouncing and heaving like some bimbo out of an anime. Slapping against each other. If you watch it you can see how much fun I’m having with it lol. I’m grinning like a fucking clown.
There was one or two of the usual OTT creeps but everyone was pretty supportive or just outright loving the fact I got a bigger rack. They said it before but now I’m really am one of the big boob girls on the stage. Kinda odd how I used to hide them I guess. Too young probably. Tits really aren’t the things a teen wants to show to the world. Well I’m not one anymore and I wanna live my sexiness.
“A woman without Breasts is a bed without pillows”
>some fancy French dude I came across today. I bet he loved big tits in his day.
Entry Seven:
I’ve fallen. I’m like a devil that got kicked out of heaven or something. I ate the forbidden food and I can’t go back now.
So I’ve been a veggie for like, forever. My parents have raised me as one and I’ve done the whole circuit when I hit big. No to milk, fur and bad wool and all that. Even got that PETA award thing. I’ve never really felt like, I needed to try meat. I’ve always been happy without it.
Last night I ordered some more pizzas and they sent an extra one. I guess there was some sort of mistake because I got two veggie pizzas and a bacon and pepperoni one.
I never should have opened it because, FUCK, the smell… that melted gooey cheese. The hot bacon just wafting up with that sizzling, greasy smell. And then the pepperoni, smiling up at me as those big fried slices, so hot and juicy.
Yeah. I know I should’ve just given it back. Or called up and asked for a replacement. But you know those old Disney movies where like, the smell of a pie or something just reaches out into hands and grabs someone by the nose? Well it was like that. I had that bitch with me in a chokehold. So I tried a slice.
Bruh, it was like, cumming but with food. I actually moaned. Like loudly! I ate that whole slice in a second, just cramming it in the greasy, hot meat. It’s so flavourful, and the more I chewed and chewed the better it got.
Well, things progressed as you’d imagine and I ate the whole pizza. Then the other two. Munch munch.
Now I think it’s awakened something in me. I don’t think I can go back.
The flavour was just amazing. Like being punched in the tastebuds. I thought I could like, hold off on it. It would be a one time weakness and I’d stick back to the veggie life. But I don’t think I can. I can’t resist. I wanna try it all. Fried chicken, hot dogs, pizza, hamburgers, pulled pork and kebabs… I’m damn near drooling as I write this shit.
I don’t think I can resist any more.
I’m hungry.
Entry Eight:
Whoops! Forgot this thing for a while. Been about w month or so since the last entry. Found it under my sketch pads while looking for some tracksuits to fit me.
Ah yeah; so I kinda haven’t been able to go back into the veggie thing. I eat veggie meals still! But my delivery apps have just been a blessing, I’ve ordered enough food into this house to feed a neighbourhood. I’m not even kidding. It’s been a binge, totally.
All the stuff I’ve been missing out on, I’ve been just munching my way through. Had some burgers ordered in from five guys for lunch, and an extra large helping of those killer chips. They’re amazing. I could just sit here, popping these into my mouth one after the other. “Finger food” it’s really something. I m gonna round it out after with some feta cheese once I get this last bacon-burger down.
Meat is the order of the day for now. I got some people hitting back because I caved and posted a picture of me munching into a burger on Instagram and it’s all about me “betraying” vegetarians and all that shit, but at this point I don’t really care. It’s fun to flaunt.
Speaking of that post, well that an a video I did, I’ve had people start to comment on my face. Now I haven’t shown my full body off, I’ve been careful to just keep it to tit shots or face stuff, but people have been noticing. Commenting on how my cheeks are puffier, my lips bigger or how it looks like I’m getting a second chin. Lol, I sure as hell am getting a second chin. I can really see it if I get on my phone and tilt my head down. But it’s getting bigger and bigger.
As usual I’m having to get more bras. My last few I’ve blown through as my titties have been getting fatter and heavier. They’re really overflowing, now when I put a bra on they don’t fit in any of the cups and just overflow the top and the sides, like lava coming out a volcano. It’s heavy and I can really feel the weight starting on my back. Not only that but they’re really sagging down. It’s gotta be due to the weight as I’m not old enough for my titties to start getting low hanging. Whatever it is, they still look great. When I look down I just see all my fat tits, forming into these two mountains that are puffing out ahead of me.
I should write a song about them. Not even kidding. Just about my massive boobs, and I can dress it up however I want do that it’s arty and all that fake shit.
So yeah. The rest of me. My belly is really making moves, it’s sorta formed into a pregnant looking roundish ball now. I look like that British chick, the one from GOT. I guess my belly is sorta her size. Though it’s not as firm I bet. I’m jiggling and wobbling whenever I like it, sorta like a bowl of jelly. However I think it’s starting to change its shape. Like, it’s sorta folding over, as if there’s an upper and a lower half that’s starting to be separate to each other. I think it’s gonna show more if I get fatter. It’s starting to sag down over my pussy, though it hid it from my own view a while back. But looking in the mirror I can really see how it’s hanging out, like a waterfall.
What else is there. Well my thighs are really blowing up too. They’re sorta like cones, thicker where they merge into my waist but slimming where they meet my knees. Same goes for my arms but I think they’re actually getting bigger. I can’t properly press my arms against my sides any more on account of my side rolls and my upper arms getting wide.
My ass seems to be a bit behind everything else. It’s fat but not really huge. Like, I saw another of those E News things and Taylor is looking like far more of a wide load. That girl has an ass like a horse now, and sure eats like one. I haven’t gotten that sort of attention by anyone yet but I have been kinda keeping to them house. And when I do go out, I cover up with the mask and glasses pretty well so everyone just sorta seems to assume I’m some chunky chick.
Well, mostly, I did some other insta live videos and some twitter stuff and I’ve seen people talking about screenshots they’d taken and saying that I’ve gained weight, so I think I got people onto me now. Here’s seeing how long it lasts. I mean, we’re seeing Taylor and Katy blowing up on the new cycle for a while now and they’re both a fair bit heavier than me, and hell hasn’t Nicki Minaj and Iggy A been like, fucking elephants for ages now. I don’t know if either of those fatsos can even walk right now, Nicki’s ass looked heavier than me the last time I saw it.
So now I’m sitting on my ass in my new pair of pjs (XXXXXL) which are still a big snug in parts but should last me for a while. Got my paper pad resting on my belly and been doodling some more stuff. Maybe some more album colours- I saw some old time paintings that had these fat naked chicks on them and figured if I get back with bro once this whole virus shit is over and I can put out a new album, I thought something like that would be cool. Like, a drawing of a girl who sorta looks like me, draping her fat ass across the cover. Hide her nipples and snatch with something meaningful or something but make her super tattooed and alt and stuff. I drew the picture to have my old green hair look, making it really long and shit and now I’m kinda thinking about going back to that style. I mean it’s not that I don’t like my hair in this whole silvery colour. It’s neat and all, but I’ve been looking at some photos of when I was having it green to the awards and stuff (damn I look like a toothpick back then lol) and I just sorta fancied it too. It’s soemthing to think on.
….dang I think I made this girl look too much like me. Belly’s too big tho. Well at the moment.
Entry Nine:
Oh my god I’m so embarrassed. I got exposed as a grass and I’m pretty sure it got filmed. Welp, even if I had hidden myself with the classic mask and sunglasses combo, I’m sure it won’t be long for people to figure it all out.
Woke up late again and fried up a stack of bacon to go with some pancakes (three packets worth), drenched in some syrup. Tasted amazing, the one two combo of the sweet syrup and the smoky bacon really did me wonders. I sorta had a small food coma afterwards at the table before I washed it all down with some Oj and coffee.
Showered again before I planned to head out for lunch and some clothes, and I saw my face in the mirror. My second chin arrived in full, it’s jiggling away making my face a lot softer. It would make my face pretty round if it wasn’t for the fact my cheeks have blown up too. They’re even fuller and fatter, so I still got that big cheek look even though my face should be round and squishy. It kinda feels funny on the mask tho- like my cheeks are just bulging right out of it and it doesn’t cover both of my chins fully.
More chub as usual. I’m really packing it out to the sides. My thighs are really plush now and I think I’m starting to even out into a bottom heavy shape. Like, my tits are big, huge knockers for sure, but the rest of me is sorta overtaking. The belly is sagging well over my cooch now, and it’s confirmed it will go into two parts. It’s forming into these folds like canyons- I can run my fingers through them and feel how deep they’re going. I think the bottom half is gonna become one of those FUPA things, at least that’s what they called that fucking huge curtain of flab that Taylor has sagging between her legs. But for now I’m just about the size of a pillow. Definitely looking bigger than a pregannt belly, and it gets even bigger if I stuff myself beforehand.
So anyway, I dried my fat ass off and got dressed in a shirt and hoodie, my belly peeking out a bit under the bottom. It was the sweatpants that felt more than a little snug, and I had to really pull them to squeeze them over my butt. Left me grunting and panting like some oinker before I got my shoes on and headed out.
It had been a while since I last did this so I was pretty pumped. Granted it was lockdown still so I wasn’t able to bring any of my girl pals along to make it a day out but at least that meant I had any food there all to myself.
Started out with some churros as a snack, keeping my sunglasses on but pulling my mask down to eat. They were perfectly crispy and put me in a good mood. I missed stall stuff. I’ve been living off either takeaway, pot noodles or my own cooking for the longest time now but something you can grab on the street still has that charm. It’s pretty reassuring.
I went and grabbed a bunch of art supplies and then headed to a few good clothes stores- mainly indie or local stuff. Though I now realise I’m not the main size for most of the fits that I’d usually go for, which does suck. A bunch of times I found a really nice fit but when I asked the clerk if they had it any bigger sizes they didn’t so that did bum me a bit. However I at least got some stuff that could be cool- some of it is too small but I can at least make into crop tops or that sort of thing. I did get some nice stuff in my size, including a cool faux leopard print pantsuit. I’m sure it can work it into some sort of look. The rest was mainly shirts and pants, including some plain ones that I can turn into something cooler. One of the shops had this lady who was even bigger than me behind the counter- all pericings and fat rolls puffing out of rips in her clothes- and she said she really liked my outfit and said it suited me well. Felt pretty good to be called that.
So I left with a whole bunch of bags in my arms and my belly growling like a fucking tiger (a good mental image that one, I gotta remember that for later) and I knew I needed some food to fill my guts.
Found a Mexican place that offered takeaway and grabbed a full bag of wrapped burritos and fries on the side that I walked about, tucking into. That onion and chicken combo with the crunch that comes with it really can’t be beat with that stuff. I was plowing my way all the way through that haul, minding my own business as I munched them down and felt them full out my guts. There was an plenty to eat though I had started to fancy grabbing some KFC on the way home so I could suck that crispy chicken right off the bone. Fuck I love finger food. I got a bucket right now as I’m doing this.
Anyways so I got really into my food, chewing on the ends of my burritos, only to accidentally drop one of my bags, right in the street.
So first off I realised that everyone was staring and I had been too busy eating to notice that, seems like fat girls get all the entertainment spotlights around here. I felt more than a little awkward so I wanted to get on with it and get home to eat more, so I bent down.
Yeah. That was it. I bent down and it took a lot out of me. Then it felt something like a massive hand squeezing my ass tightly, like, super fucking tight. It made me stop right there, my mask slipping down before I felt the tightness grow sharper before suddenly stopping with a fucking HUGE ripping noise.
I heard all the gasps and yells and laughs before it really hit me.
I’d fucking split my pants open.
Since fucking forever, I’ve been wearing baggy pants. It’s my style isn’t it? My vibe and all that. But I guess I’d just forgotten how fucking fat I’d gotten because they’d been pulled drum right and split wide open to show off my big white asscheeks and panties right between them.
Well I got a hold of the bag and stood up as quickly as I could, my mask falling around my neck. I must have been as red as a fucking tomato. They had phones out of course and my sunglasses started to slip off and people started to see my hair and I heard whispers putting it together. Holy shit, I don’t think I’ve waffled my way out of that place any faster, my asscheeks just clapping and slapping together as I went. I could feel it. Damn.
Well I ran (as much as I can run with my ass out and haven’t done any exercise in an age) the hell out of that place and piled my ass into the car. Drove the hell home and got all the KFC on the way.
I don’t really know how to say how I felt. Like I was embarrassed as fuck and wanted to die at one point, like isn’t it anyone’s worst nightmare? But I also, idk, felt kinda hot? Like everyone looking at me, just gaping at me. It was like when I was a kid on stage, being the absolute centre of attention, but different. I was standing out for a whole new reason.
Well I saw it on the TV not long ago. “Billy Ass-lish” was what E! Called me, classy. They said it wasn’t fully proven yet but they had screenshots of someone’s insta video and it sure does look like me, thanks to my mask and sunglasses coming off. They said there had been rumours about me packing on the pounds for a while but this is apparently the confirmation for a lot of people.
“No word from Ellish on this “little” panty slip but the smash hit star has been pretty reclusive over lockdown, showing very little of her personal life” the bitch presenting had said “But the Instagram live, Tiktok and Twitter content that she’s been releasing have been giving some little clues”
Then screen caps from my videos, pointing out how much cheeks had plumped. Stuff from a while back when I was only just getting my second chin.
“Though it looks like it Billie wants to keep up her baggy pants aesthetic” she had grinned, trying to be funny. “Looks like she’s gonna need to go a bunch of sizes bigger for it to work properly”
Smh. Fuck you lady. Anyway they went right back on to this Swift-Perry thing and how those two are approaching fucking hippo sizes. These people eat this shit up for sure. Though I do think those two wore their flab pretty well. Swift’s got a nice big belly now, all flabby and wrinkly. Though I like Katy’s huge knockers, but they’re not as firm as mine.
I didn’t even bother checking any of my media apps. Got a couple of messages from my PR/media people but I told them I didn’t want to talk about it. I’m gonna finish off this chicken bucket and then order some more pizza in.
And I might order something else.
You know what, I don’t have to hide from these people. I like my body and it rocks. Fuck all their standards, if they want to make that comment about my old baggy pants then I’ll do something else then. That’ll show them I don’t care for any of their shit.
But first im gonna eat some more, I deserve it.
Entry ten:
Boy, I keep forgetting about this thing. Kinda bad on keeping it properly updated but that’s me I guess. Anyway I’ll fill it in with what happened.
So yeah. I ate myself into a food coma that night and kinda passed out surrounded by pizza boxes and burrito wrappers. I guess it was worth it, though I felt like a fucking hot air balloon in the morning. All the shit digesting in me, I thought my belly looked twice as big! Well I had to wait a long while for it all to go down, digesting away with more gurgles and bubbles than I expected.
It worked out as the the night before I had gotten onto Amazon and ordered soemthing for me to wear, that and a tripod for my phone. They both turned up while I was having some pancakes for lunch and the sunlight was just perfect for me.
Fishnets. That was it. I got myself a nice massive pair of fishnets (at least it looked massive when it wasn’t already on me) in black. A perfect colour for me. Well I jammed one of my new shirts on over my gut, making sure my tittes really popped out through the top, then went through the process of pulling those things on. It was a bit of an effort. I don’t think I’ve really realised how thick my legs are getting, or how the fishnets kept getting caught on the folds and rolls that are now everywhere. And I won’t lie, I didn’t realise my cankles were this big either. They’re really puffed into some cakes down there. It’s like the fat is trying to find any space it can to fill up more- even my toes are thick and stubby at this point.
The tripod was for my phone so I could set it up in the front of my house, pointing towards my door. It was pretty simple for me to set a timer then hurry into the doorway and turn, with my ass pointing one way and my belly and tit’s pointing the other, striking a pose. I was sure to stick my tongue out to show that I really didn’t give a fuck, and let the camera snap away. Got some really good ones- you can see every fold and tick through the fishnets, it’s perfect. So I posted them. Without any descriptions, but they knew why I posted it. Fuck those baggy trousers, I can look good in anything in this body.
Well that’s how I got Twitter trending and my fat ass got shared about everywhere. I did look pretty good and when I picked up the phone to my PR dudes from the label they were pretty pleased with how I managed to turn it around. Really tied in to the Swift-Perry fat rivalry thing that’s going strong right now. Well if people like it, I can step this thing up even more. More food and plenty of it! I’ve been snacking and eating as much as I can, ordering it in or giving my hand at cooking some stuff up. Really good shit. I had a go at some home BLTs this morning, and the chicken and bacon combo was really something. Probably got to go now, there’s some design labels I was talking to before this whole Quarentine bullshit that really want me to send some photos and measurements for concepts of theirs. Looks like Billie is in demand again!
Dinner for tomorrow:
Two donner kebabs, beef and fries (Deliveroo)
Curries chicken wings, 10 wing pack (Deliveroo)
Vegetarian Pizza, extra large (Dominos)
Dominos chocolate chip cookies
Three box of donuts
B&J ice cream tub
Entry eleven:
Big! Big! Big! I’m rocking the fat life. No need to hide it any more. I’m back on the internet with some more regular posting. The more popular ones seems to be me adapting my older fits for my new size. It’s hard because getting anything from before lockdown on it’s a complete struggle- especially my arms. Pulling sleeves on his pretty much impossible now, seeing of my arms are just stacked tires now. I look like that dude, the tire company logo. My forearm is just one sagging pale sack, which attaches to my upper arm with a big fold about my elbow. It’s got to be like, four or five inches thick? Looks wild when I do a bicep flex at any rate, my “alterations” tend to just be accessories with a few XXXXXL pants and shirts adapted for it.
I’m eating my way through all the food I order in, by now there’s not a second when I’m not chewing and munching. I think my jaws are the strongest muscles on me yet, I use the fuckers so much! My face has really blown up too, sorta bottom heavy with my cheeks and chins. Chins! Yeah there’s more than one. Well really it’s more like, one huge one at this point, hanging down over my neck. Lips too.
Oh and my tits. Can’t forget them. They’re still my best feature but my gut is really outpacing it, they sort of rest against my belly now and I need a bra to keep them up on my chest so they look properly full and bouncy. Though now my gut sticks out far ahead of them. I was right and the months of eating have turned my belly in two, with the bigger FUPA lower half that sort of forms a curtain down onto my thighs and cooch, while the upper half is the more “belly” part which is the larger and attaches to the side rolls that make up my massive muffin top and go all the way around my body to my ass. It’s like the two halves of a cake stacked on top of each other.
Oh and the other thing is I have those sort of back titties now. You know the type, like the huge ones Nicki Minaj has. Well I got them, I checked them in a mirror and I think when I was last out to get some Wendy’s someone took some photos of them and they looked pretty huge. It’s like two massive folds, one on each side that look kinda like titties. I don’t think I’m at the stage Nicki is yet, where she can actually wear a bra on them. Still got a bit to go I guess
Well, now I can just show off as much as I want. I even managed to get out with some of my girlfriends for an day out when they relaxed the lockdown rules a bit. They’re all like twigs next fo me now but they said I look fantastic and I think I look pretty fucking good too.
I filmed another video earlier and it’s been doing some good numbers on tiktok and Instagram. I got into a bra that I’d been working on with a sharpie. It’s my size so I worked it so that it was covered in some stylised fat asses and thick women showing of their stuff. It looks good on me and looked really good when I filled myself slapping and grabbing at my big old hanging gut, mouthing along to some of my songs. It’s like watching the goo in a lava lamp, all squishy and found- moving about. I look sexy as fuck in it.
I think I’m gonna treat myself to a night out in a proper restaurant or something once everything is properly opened up again. Or a real sushi place like that. I’ve been gorging on takeaway or home made stuff so it’ll be nice to make a difference and just fill my belly with something real professional or that sort of thing.
Oh and one more thing. I’ve decided I’m going to do my hair over again. I think I’m gonna go back to the classic dark and green. The silver was wearing out anyway so it’s as about time.
Entry Twelve:
It’s all opening up! Life is getting back to sort of normal though we all still got to wear masks and all that shit. I got my hair back into my classic toxic green and it looks the shit. Really goes well now that I’m …. well, bigger. I find the bunches really help bring out the size of my cheeks.
Three days ago I got my ass to a proper steakhouse and just let go. I had like, three 8 oz steaks with a fat mound of fries each, one after the other. Then followed it up with some sausage and beef burgers. Have it ever mentioned how much I fucking love meat? Glad I gave up that veggie stick, now I can just indulge. And I just loved how much my ass filled up the chair, wedged in tightly with my belly just overflowing onto my lap as I cut into that juicy steak. I’m really becoming a blob, just a big pale mount of Billie. There was people there, with their phones out, getting
There’s finally gonna be an gala show coming up soon and I need to be ready for it. I’ve been put in touch by by label people with a designer who I’m gonna travel out to meet to make an update on one of my older designs. Updated for my new figure. I’m also getting back into recording, though it turns out my lungs aren’t quite the same. I got pretty out of breath during my first session, which is kinda noticeable when I heard it back. Something to work on I guess, or just get used to.
Entry Thirteen:
Two days to go until I go out to the show. I’m pumped, been eating hard to prepare myself for it. The designers I have been paired with have sent my stuff on through: it’s a shirt and pants- both a bright green and covered in my name in various fonts. A redo of the older one that I went out a hell of a lot in. It’s pretty awesome and the colour really goes well with my redone hair. But what’s just as good, is the fact it’s designed to just let my fat gut hang out wide in the open. It’s the fashion after all. Since Katy did her outfit for the MTV online awards where she pretty much showed all, I think all the big girls of note have been eager to get their bellies out. And hell, I do like to follow the occasional trend as much as I like setting my own. They go with an extra large pair of trainers that I got given (my feet are too fat and swollen to actually get into my old shoes, I need damn near custom ones at this point) and as a sort of joke addition, I got a pair of necklaces. One a chain of ceramic burgers, the other of hotdogs. Idk, I thought it was cute and it looks good on me.
Oh yeah. I should probably go into how big I’ve gotten. Well, I had a nice hot shower a couple of hours ago and stepped onto the scales beforehand: 789 is my current. The biggest yet! I am a fucking whale.
It feels weird. Before I guess I would be disgusted, but I can’t really feel anything now but pride and enjoyment at how far I have come.
The biggest part of me was my belly, and as I stood under the water it really was an effort to get fully washed. It’s roughly the size of a yoga ball but probably a bit bigger, with a larger upper part that rolls over onto my lower FUPA part which sags down to the end of my thighs. I can just tuck the bottom of my FUPA into my pants, though my pussy is pretty hard to reach for a good clean. Oh yeah, and my belly button. Well that is right in the middle of the fold between my “two bellies”. That shit is damn right buried at the bottom of a canyon and I haven’t seen it in months now, lol. Most of it is smooth tho ive started to get some stretch marks that you can see when it show it off and I could kinda feel in the shower. Wavy lines, slightly raised. It’s fun getting in and out of bed, because it have to properly drag the thing in and out, and when I’m sleeping it’s like being attached to a huge fleshy comforter.
Anyway, so that’s the most notably big part of me, though there’s then also my thighs and ass which my belly is sort of stacked upon. Though they’re all sort of melding together with my growth  so in some parts it’s hard to really see where the different parts separate. My thighs are literally pillow sized though, and my shorts are pretty tight on them, I’m still surprised they could get it on over my butt, even if I’m smaller in the ass department than a lot of other fatties I’ve seen.
Tits are still killer tho, and my fans still agree. 84 NN is the current bra size! I was just mashing and massaging them as I was in the shower, rubbing the flab between my fingers and feeling how soft and pliable I am. Watermelons. That’s how big these fuckers are. If the rest of me was normal sized these would look absolutely huge on me, but the rest of me makes it look a bit smaller. When I don’t have my bra on, the weight makes them sag pretty far down, resting onto the top of my gut, though once they’re stuffed into a bra they look pretty perky. I guess it’s just gonna be my little surprise for someone who takes my bra off, lol.
And then there’s the rest of me. Arms are going on the way of my thighs though most of the fat is in what used to be my biceps. It looks like I’m wearing huge fleshy armbands, and they sorta merge into my shoulders with a big fold where the socket is. Then it’s my head and face. My extra chin looks now like I got one of those things cows have, a wattle I think? It’s just a huge mass of fat that my chin squishes into whenever I look down.  It more of less completely hides my neck which adds another body part that’s just covered by fat to the list. Then my lips- people always said I had oversized lips, well now they’re even bigger. And then I got those ping-pong chipmunk cheeks to complete the whole image. I think it really works when my hair comes down on either side of it and frames it. Emphasises how big and plush it is.
Well, I think it’s all fantastic. When I walk on the catwalk in front of those cameras, I’m gonna look a million dollars.



Matt Ries

I like her Hotel Hollywood SNL sketch outfit.