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Been sketching and working away on a few of these big weight gain sequence projects throughout October. Bit by bit as I have been making some solid progress. I wanted to share how Penny is looking here with you all on Patreon. 

We see now Penny going from 140lbs range to over 3-4000lbs pounds I think in the finale sketches. I did 2 versions for the sketch of her at her final stage. But I pitched them both to Gold Patrons who like Sketch 2.

 I had a reference image that really helped with that which was a WIP made by artist DarthVuijin and Cerebral Probe I used as a jumping off point. ( Feel free to check out their profiles by the way.) (( Update on links to them coming soon once I have them.))

The first sketch of Penny at hyper immobile size was me reusing the Maryse speed paint at 2300lbs weight range I made a few months ago. I wanted to give Penny a gut that looked even at such size absolutely stuffed to the maximum with a tonne of food. The idea she hasn't stopped eating for months and months. I kept that idea going through into the second sketch but from a different angle. In the color stage I want to paint alot of intense stretch marks and high levels of messy food and slob effects across her body. 

 As Leonard is starring in this finale with Penny his ultimate feedee and soon to be winner of "The Extra Mobility Human Expansion Systems Grant" and champion as the heaviest of women in the gang. And the heaviest woman to ever be.



Jay Tee

Hubba-hubba Mrs Hofstadter!

Fat Quorra

We love to see it but got to ask if there's any chance we'll see Sheldon sister Misty?


Damn, Penny got fat as hell! I can't wait to see when it's finished. X3

Fat Quorra

https://m.media-amazon.com/images/M/MV5BNzhlNmMyODgtZGVkYS00YTM5LTkyMDctZjVmZWJiNGMwZDQyXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNjUxMjc1OTM@._V1_.jpg Sorry her name was Missy