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I have been building up to this one bit by bit for a while now. I always feel my Penny Weight Gain series back from 2012-2013 was when my profile and art on DeviantArt really took off. When I started to gather fans and people were resonating with alot of my art. 

Bernadette Artwork 

Amy Artwork 

Amy and Bernie 

My style, technique and story ideas. My themes of hyper obesity and immobility were ones where I myself was discovering what I liked to draw, what I was interested in towards the fetish. The Big Bang Theory show was at the height of its fame. Penny was the iconic Girl Next Door for my generation growing up before streaming.

 And oh boyo was she hot as hell. But I had this feeling that she was going to be a beautiful obese woman someday. It was just up to me to create an alternate universe and feed/her myself to these epic corpulently immobile sizes. I gave it my best shot and I thank everyone who commented and interacted with during that series. It was really fun and I doubt I would have found success otherwise back then without it.

Let me know what you think of these sketches of Penny's gain so far. I was thinking she would get addicted to World of Warcraft like she does in the show which she sits around eating and drinking away to. Then progressively gains more and more until she is a 800lbs Cheesecake Factory waitress. One that eats most of the restaurants food supplies everyday, leftovers and comes home to Leonard who has a strict intense 12k to 30k Epic Meal Times sized delicious foods prepared for her.

She is 100% on board for this transformation also. Hoping to win this elusive mysterious Extra Mobility Human Expansion Science Grant or EMHES I guess? I made it up because it sounded technical. I should have made a funnier acronym!!!! 

I am figuring out her scale for her in the final stage of her weight gain journey. 6000lbs of Penny. 





Jay Tee

Penny Penny Penny... That's lotta' pounds... SO MANY!