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Story by Ian Taylor

The surprise battle was over but that didn't stop the sultry, super sized therapist turned anti-heroine from breaking her routine. Her routine of meals and snacks was even set within certain times during her prison sentence, something which oddly remained into practice after she managed to flatten a guard on an occasion, which for any other inmate would've gotten rid of any special treatment. The Suicide Squad managed to defeat the minions in Enchantress' first wave of defense in this fierce fight. This left the titanic blond completely ravished and needing a break, something unique to herself as no one else needed one.

Harley immediately waddled to the closest car hood and plopped down for a seat, her massive ass spreading out and on the metal, putting a slight dent into it. The brunt of her weight came down on it more than the force of her treasured baseball bat hitting a skull when she was feeling particularly enthusiastic. She sighed and leaned forward as Rick Flag motioned for Katana to bring Harley her cupcake assortment, a treasured plethora of fattening treats she ALWAYS demanded.

She sighed as the car groaned as she lifted the chocolate cupcake to her chest and stared at it. She smiled and took a bite as she looked to every other member of the Squad and the backup soldiers that were dispatched with them. "What? I'm a fat girl. it's what I do." She replied with a giggle and she finished the cupcake within the next few bites.

Sorry this took so long. I had a lot of family around and since my family is spread around the world its always a time when we all give up work to hang out.

This is for the by popular vote exclusive to Patreon our Halloween illustration of Harley Quinn aka Margot Robbit from Suicide Squad.

Shes not quite 850lbs, I was having some porportion problems with the limited time to make this so she is around 450lbs and after stuffing her face from breaking into a cake shop in the deserted city. Why carry on when the end is near and her Joker is unable to be with her feeding her bigger and bigger.

I loved the suggestions for this piece , so thank you all who gave a scene idea!



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