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"No, it looks like you have a mental problem and are viewing a bizzared and frightening version of reality. Please seek medical help. Obesity is not safe and not glorious. Health does not come at every size, bones don't weigh 200lbs/100kg, your organs don't need any more "room" (which isn't free space but fat cells pushing your organs out of the way, leading them to eventually fail). Seriously, you have mental problems and need help as soon as possible."

Someone posted this on one of my commission illustrations of three girls eating mexican food.

Do you often have to deal with these kinds of comments and what would be your response?



Just call 'em a cunt, Na but everyone has an imperfection like your so called "mental disorder". But if someone has to go out of their way to write a paragraph on on how he disagrees with something you did online that's fucking sad man, disorder or not he's worse off than you anyways


Haha, I know right. Its not the first time or the last probably for this kind of comment. But I really think these people have a deep buried attraction to weight gain artwork to see it, to comment on it and to engage me in a discussion.


Yeah they're in denial cause it's not the societal norm to be attractred to fat women. Plus people can't control their kinks it's. And if you out someone for having a fetish that's like mocking someone cause they're gay or lesbian. So In short I don't care what your fetish is aslong as it's legal and not super niche


Why do they look at your art if they feel that way? Ignoring these comments places them where that belong. They are unimportant and are trying to make you feel the same way.


Well spoken buddy. Each to their own I agree. Open mindedness is the key to a better society right. So if I want to experience the pleasure of fat women and someone wants to experience the pleasures of lets say feet. Well awesome right.


I've seen the thin advocates spewing their venom many places. I think that is the only way they can feel superior to us.


I've wondered this before a couple of times, I have this pic of Mary Jane Watson in my DA gallery and when I first posted it this one guy lost his sh-- over it going on and on about how sick I was and how I "ruined" Mary Jane and how I deserved to "burn" for it and he hopes I'd get crushed in bed by a 300lbs woman. It's sad how close minded some people are that they won't accept that a larger woman can be just as beautiful as a skinny one.


Do you want to post a link to the Mary Jane picture, I'd love to see it. Ironic though how you and maybe many of us would have the preferred mean software death to be bring crushed by a 300lbs or more fat woman and or man. I used to not get the fat appreciation myself Always drawing skinny, but curvy fit women like superheroes. Then it all changed. I took the red pill and woke up to the Fat Matrix.


Sure Al, here's the link to the pic <a href="http://knightmare10880.deviantart.com/art/Jackepot-tiger-101237217" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://knightmare10880.deviantart.com/art/Jackepot-tiger-101237217</a> I love the Fat Matrix and as a friend and fan I'm very happy joined it as well.


Let me know what you think of the pic Al, I'd love to hear your thoughts on her either here on you can hit me up on DA.


i just checked her out there, I love the style and its great to see a full city behind her. Excellent artwork


Block 'em. The best course of action to to block them and pretend they don't exist. They just want attention and you shouldn't give them any.


Trolls. Well I find that baiting them into some logic traps is entertaining particularly with dealing with one like this. Though some are interested in starting flame wars and what not they aren't nearly as fun and are worth silencing instead. I guess I either toy with them, ignore them, or silence them in any case.