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Since Jurassic World came out a few years ago portraying the gorgeous Claire, the heart and sole of the new franchise of the Jurassic Movies and played wonderfully by the beautiful and ever gaining Bryce Dallas Howard. Now that the trilogy has concluded with three mediocre films all we have left is Claire Dearing. The prim, proper and neat but curvy thicc red head with determination and leadership skills in an every changing more dangerous dinosaur environment than the one she signed on to manage. Now she must deal with navigating the juggle with a womb full of huge growing Raptor eggs.

Last week after the initial release of Dominion my friend @ShadyDancer1 messaged me there was a little meme going around of what if they made the series have human hybrid dinosaur babies. Which was actually something they concept'ed out and attempted in a script. So we went from there and he got writing out a story-line and it got better and better. Influencing my idea for a drawing, a sketch. Then it was a comic, then it was a single pose of her huge pregnant belly protruding and distended with huge raptor eggs....then well one thing led to another. Go big or go home right? SO...I used that scale tool in Procreate ( pun intended) and drew an extra large version. His story came to a end and then took up with Claire's assistant Zara and following her new hypothetical story but impregnated by the huge Mosasaurus. 

I would love to do a sketch of that but for now we will have to enjoy the story chapter by Shadydancer1 until then. Please give him a follow and faves. His writing is fantastic and give this plenty of faves, comments and DA diamonds to show your appreciation. If we get enough love, we will return for a follow up chapter. We also would love to depict other female characters and scenes from the trilogy.

Check out my Twitter to see the X-ray internal view of Claire's stretched out organs full of those huge genetically enhanced raptor eggs.

Claire 1:

They’d left the vehicle when it had become too dense to  continue with it. Owen and Claire continued to follow the path of the Indominus, tracking the unnaturally powerful dinosaur across the lush green of the island- hoping to catch it before it increased it’s human bodycount any further.

Though progress was a little slow- not only with the terrain, but due to Claire.

Owen had been surprised when he’d seen his ex again after so long, especially when she’d arrived at his trailer with a pregnant belly snugly fit into her suit. Considering how opposed she was to having a family before, but now sporting a considerably bloated womb. She’d muttered something about surrogacy and hand-waived all his inquiries in favor of discussing work.

Now she was waddling along, starting to go red on the face. Her top was stretched even further, struggling to contain the rotund flesh of her middle, her back arching further and further to cope with it’s weight as she tottered on her chipped high-heels.

Claire herself was feeling the exertion. Her feet felt swollen and her head threatened to bring on a headache. There was a heat in her breasts, one that she had to resist reaching up to examine them, in case Owen saw her. Not for the first time, she could sense a wetness about her nipples. It was getting harder to concentrate… she closed her eyes momentarily.

Her mind flashed. Meat, the smell of the sandwiches that she’d passed back at the main Jurassic World boulevard, a jagged maw of dripping teeth. Scales shifting about her, and then piercing yellow eyes with slitted pupils.

“Huhh” she shook her head clear and saw Owen watching her with confusion, clutching his rifle in his hands, his gaze pointed downwards.

Her stomach was moving… she could feel her guts churning. It all felt so hot inside her, like a furnace. She placed a hand on the small of her back and took a deep breath. When her nephews had first met her earlier that day, they’d been so excited. She’d pulled a blank and manage to pull some story out of her ass about being pregnant with twins, hoping that she could retcon it into a surrogacy later when she could think more clearly.

“Claire, uh” Owen spoke up, cocking his head. “You’re kinda growing”

Of course, he was right. Her blouse was straining hard at the buttons now, and her stomach was popping out from the tank top she’d worn underneath, the darker fabric starting to stain with sweat from her exertion. She could feel a tiny bit of chill on a small patch of exposed skin- likely from her skirt being pushed down by the underside of her stomach. How big was she now? Well too big to hide.

With a sigh she turned to him with her hands on her hips. He was pointing. She hated it when he pointed.

“That’s uhhh, looking big. How many kids was it again, twins?”

“Fine” she snapped. “You got me. What’s your big plan huh? What do you suggest we do?”

“I suggest you get back. You’re looking ready to pop at any second, more so than you did this morning and you won’t last two minutes in there with a baby on board and those ridiculous shoes”

She looked down at her heels. Well. Tried to. Her belly was in the way.

Her face flushed with anger and she reached up for her blouse. The button was holding on for it’s dear life and when she undid it, it nearly snapped off.

She opened her blouse and the belly surged free without it restraining the womb’s tight flesh. Owen’s eyes bulged as he watched her gut billow forwards, Claire’s top riding up further and her skirt slipping down her thigh was the tight, reddish flesh was exposed to him. It was massive. Had to be as big as a beachball. A huge round orb no longer fully contained by her grey shirt.

There was no way that was a normal amount of kids.

“You win. I’ll tell you” she snapped at him. “But only if you let me find my nephews with you”

He rolled his eyes but gave in. “Fine”

“Its not twins. It’s at least nine raptor eggs”

Owen’s eyes widened a second time.

“Corporate thought that they could speed up the clutch size from the females. R and D did some preliminary research and thought that the most viable process could be in a mammal womb. Humans being the most promising”

“So you just let a dinosaur get you pregnant?” he scoffed.

“No” she hissed. “It was all done from IVF with extracted DNA, thank you. Both Velociraptors. Half the clutch is Charlie’s the other half is Echo’s”

His eyes widened even further at the mention of his raptor’s parentage.

“I saw the preliminary tests. They managed to get a woman to birth human sextuplets through their new process. Corporate didn’t want the asset information leaked so they looked inside for a possible surrogate. They were offering me millions” she shook her head. It was hard to concentrate. To keep her strong workplace exterior, lecturing this moron on the asset process like she’d done so many times in the boardrooms of Masrani- poised and collected like any modern businesswoman. But she was in turmoil inside. Her body was getting so hot, she could feel herself shifting about the growing brood- organs squishing as the womb grew and grew. She felt blood pounding through the vessels in her belly, and then the beads of sweat on the side of her forehead. “I was implanted and have been growing them for the past two months”

“That’s crazy”

Claire fixed him with a dagger stare. Her face twitched with a muscle contraction in her belly. She kept seeing drooling teeth, clacking claws and running shapes in her head. Everything was a mess. She needed something to eat, she needed to pee. But most of all she was getting more and more annoyed with having to explain everything to this man.

“Uh, sorry” Owen muttered shifting the grip on his rifle. “So that’s all, raptor eggs in you then”

“Yes” she said, exasperated.

“Cool, cool”

He was staring at her belly too much. Why did all men have to do that when a woman was pregnant? She felt anger surge before another feeling made her grunt and moan.


Owen watched as the top of her orb belly suddenly deformed, poking upwards with a cone shaped protrusion which he realized was one of the raptor eggs shifting about. Pressing into her flesh, before vanishing.

Holy shit.

“Anything else?” she managed to say, regaining her composure.

“No… uh” he shook his head. “Okay. Let’s just get one thing straight. I’m in charge here. Those may be raptors in your uh, belly, but all that Indominous is going to see is a very juicy, big snack. You got to do everything I say, exactly as I say it”

“Excuse me?” she huffed.

“Just relax” he turned away from the immensely pregnant woman and lifted up his Marlin rifle. “It’s just like taking a stroll through the woods…”

Claire just nodded, and tried to hold in another grunt as her belly pulsed.



What had been Zara’s final moments had been held upside down by a pterosaur, plucked from the earth and thrown from beast to beast like birds fighting over a worm or fish. Not that she’d been able to comprehend much of it. One second she was calling her two charges towards her, her boss’ nephews, on the midst of the mass attack by the flying reptiles. The next one of them had her by the shoulders and wrenched her into the air. She’d been dropped, then caught by another of the beaked monsters, then that one had dropped her. She’d fallen for what felt like minutes before she was suddenly underwater, swimming in an expanse of blue. There had been no air, and she’d panicked, thinking of her fiancee and the wedding she wouldn’t make it to, only for dark shapes to plunge into the water around her. Then claws had seized her shoulders and she was floundering on the surface, screaming for air. Followed by a terrible roar and a fade to black.

Now she awoke. It was dark, and cold. There was the sloshing of water- and she felt wet all over. She was soaked, and the salt smell was intense. Where was she? She’d last remembered being in the lagoon, but that was bright and well lit. As her eyes adjusted she saw the dull blue glow, but it was darker, much darker. She was hungry, intensely so. Like a pit gnawing at the bottom of her stomach.

Then she felt the aches and the soreness. It was present between her legs but more so in her middle. She felt compressed and squished, sore all over. Her breathing was cramped, and her insides throbbed. Everything felt congested. Like she was stuffed to the brim.

“Is anyone there?” she called out, her voice echoing in the darkness.

Then she felt it. The squirming- a pained spasm in her middle. She grunted in pain and reached for her stomach, only to meet a hard, smooth mass.

“Oh god”

It was huge. A mound of warm, wet flesh that she realized was connected to her own middle- a seamless meld of tight skin through her now shredded blouse and shirt. A her eyes adjusted more and more, she saw it was a vast torpedo shaped mound, stretching out ahead of her, shining wet in the weak light. It lay upon the floor, taking the immense weight, while her legs spread out on either side, knees pressed up against the round bulk. It was large enough that she couldn’t see her front, but she could feel it. Yes, she could feel how vast she was. The sensation of all her skin stretched so tightly over the mass, the pressure emitting from within, like so much liquid pushing outwards. Muscles contracted and she felt the twinge and pains. Then something else. A shift… no, a slither.

Zara fought panic, her brow breaking out in cold sweat. She could see now. It wasn’t smooth. It was distorted and warped by something within. There were immense coils and bumps moving through the surface of her skin. And with each movement, she could feel it in disturbing detail.

Something in her belly was alive.

And from it’s logical conclusion, she was hit with the realization. Her voice, small with fear, echoed out.

“I’m pregnant….”

In the insanity of that women, her only thought was. “How can I get married like this?”

Once she’d managed to somewhat get over the shock of what had happened to her, and calmed down from a burgeoning panic attack, Zara tried to take stock of where she was and what was happening. She was in a large room, dark on three sides. To her front, was the sound of lapping water, and the blue glow that lit the area.

Above, was some sort of machinery, all silent. Water dripped down onto her- fresh, not salty. Looking around, she saw a few twisted and crumpled bits of metal. Ones that after a bit of examination, revealed themselves to be broken seats.

Seats… seats… water…

The cogs moved in Zara’s scared mind even as the hellish occupant of her belly slithered and squirmed.

She was in the viewing stands for the lagoon, no- under the stands. The bleachers were above her!

The lagoon, that’s where she had been, where the flying ones had dropped her. Then how she she gotten into here?

The water lapped and she strained to look around her belly. There was an opening torn into the wall, above where the viewing glass started. An entry point to the open water.

Her occupant squirmed again and Zara couldn’t help but let loose a loud moan. The flesh on her belly bulged unnaturally with a huge wedge shape- a head moving against the taunt lining of her uterus.

“Its alive… it’s alive” she whined, reaching out and putting her hand atop what seemed to be the thing’s snout. It was hard and firm and it pressed back into her hand, as if sensing it. The movements caused her skin to throb in protest, as if the stretching was too much for her skin to handle.

“Okay… that’s enough” she hissed through gritted teeth. Her skin did look too reddish for comfort. Thankfully the thing returned to stillness.

As for the rest of her clothes? Her shirt and blouse were in tatters and her breasts were bare. They felt heavy, and sagged down on either side. An examination of them proved that she’d gone up a cup size at least. And her private parts were as sore as ever. She didn’t even touch them, for how bruised it felt. Even gaping, judging by the breeze on her lips.

What had brought her here….

There was a sudden deep bassy noise, like a moan of a whale. Water frothed and lapped over at the foot of her belly, as something emerged to the hole. Zara strained to look, leaning as far as she could, only to recognize the tip of the immense snout that pushed through the hole.

“Oh my god” she gasped. “The mosasaur”

The huge grey beast had swum right up to the edge, pressing it’s crocodilian snout up to the gaping entry. It was so large that only half of it’s semi-shut jaws could push inside, but they went right to Zara’s belly as she let loose a scream. She smelt the stink of fish and shut her eyes, only to feel the smooth, wet skin of the aquatic reptile press into her belly.

“Ooofff” she moaned, before moaning louder as the occupant suddenly squirmed back. As if in recognition…

“Oh no… you got to be kidding me” for that second the room seemed to spin as she looked from the huge predator to the distorted shape in her womb. “That’s… impossible? How did you even?”

Realization hit her and she thought of the soreness. “I think I might be sick…..”

The mosasaur snorted through it’s slitted nostrils, bobbing slightly as it swam to keep in place. It pressed against her belly some more before withdrawing out of the hole once again, then returning, jaws clenching tight about something.

Something large and dark was dumped beside her. It smelt strongly of salt and fish, causing Zara to cough and dainty pinched her nose.

What was that? She peered down at it. It was bloodied, damaged. Then she recognized the pointed snout, and the glassy eyes.

“A shark?”

No, she corrected herself, even as her queasy stomach tied itself into knots. Half a shark.

The immense reptile gave another snort and it slid backwards out of the hole, vanishing in a spray of foam. It must be night outside. Something had gotten it’s attention.

Zara was left alone, dwarfed by the mass of her own belly, listening to the trickle of water.

What could she do? What was there to do? No way she could move with a belly this size. Was anyone else even around? She wasn’t sure how far down she was, but there was no sounds of life coming from above. Was the whole island empty?

And then she realized just how hungry she was.

The stink of the meat, wafted up like a tantalizing treat. She ignored it, turning away to not face the desiccated fish. But soon her mouth started to water.

It was raw! A raw shark fed to some prehistoric monster for it’s dinner! Her rational mind protested. Her animal brain, however, salivated.

It didn’t take long, for Zara to reach down and pull the first sliver free to taste.

Not long after that, she was greedily tearing away handfuls.

Inside her womb, the Mosasaur calf squirmed.

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this is sooo epic! the fact that she as sooo many eggs in her is mindblowing ( half of jurrasic park newborn population ) haha


Its pretty epic alright! I had so much fun working on it and Shady on the story. I hope you give it a read too. Yeh, next she might take on an Indomitus Rex or something?:P