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Ho everyone. Im back after a weeks break. I unfortunately had to cut my trip short because I injured my knee from cycling so much. So with alot of rest and relaxing from my adventures Ill get back on the road.

The good news is that I can get back to working on some unfinished artwork for you guys. I have something big I've been working on for a few weeks now and I cant wait to share the results with you guys.-

I also might have a new feedee. A beautiful lady from across the water and I have been getting on well. While relationships with any of the other feedees I love to support and feed have become limited.

I might be doing some live drawing of her while she eats and models for me. Its quite an exciting time so myself herself have talked and were going to make the drawings exclusive to all Patreon supporters and also keep you all up to date on her feeding progress.

She has expressed she wants to gain from 278 lbs to what ever weight makes me her Feeder happy. So I dont have a goal in mind just yet but 350lbs seems a good one to attain to for now. She has expressed immobility would be a dream come true for her. I dont know how I am so lucky to meet so many beautiful women who want me as their feeder.

Have you ever had a feedee/feeder relationship with anyone? Is it something you have thought about or looking for? Put down a comment and we can see if its something that we all are looking.




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