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So, its a new month and we're half way through the year of 2022. Last month with all the preggo stuff for Mayternity was fantastic but I want to go and deliver some more feederism focused content for you guys. 

I still have some Pregnancy content stuff that didn't get finished in time which I will continue to post as it gets finished. Otherwise I have had alot of family around the past 2-3 weeks to celebrate my Mom's 60th birthday. So I have had to juggle and then feeling too tired to create artwork after days of minding kids, cleaning and cooking.

But it was a good friend and my top Gold Patron supporter Moist Kovic's birthday back in late May. I wanted to make a gift for him and felt this idea germinate as I was watching his eternally favorite Youtuber Alana Peirce  playing Diablo Immortal. This idea came to me of her being super critically morbidly obese and immobile and her webcam filled with her enormous fat face talking about the game and her weight and being sponsored by Pizza Hut. So the idea came about and now I want to get it voiced and do some animation on it as a mock/ parody comic video. 

I thought it would be fun to show her scrolling through food choices. Talking about her extreme weight gain. While her dialog is read out by a Voice Actress her facial expressions change.

Please feel free to read the script there and let me know what you think. I also would love to add in more patron suggestions for crazy fun feederism type foods in the center column for Alanah to try. Post those in the comments and I will add my favorite 6.




I love the number two with the sauce dripping from the corner of her mouth!! Delectable! :p


Cheers Tonto, I love showing that kind of stuff, the idea she is so full she cant keep it all together.

Jay Tee

Good ol' Alanah. We all love this girl by now thanks to him. Happy belated birthday, my friend.


Good images. The script would flow better by announcing the Pizza Hutt sponsorship at the start, then the pizzas start arriving.


Thanks! Yeh. I mean to cut down the script as it's a first draft. Then I let it sit for a little, get feedback and cut it down to about half that before I'm happy with it. Good suggestion.