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Sketch Tier to Color Tier

Something sitcom related for my Pregnancy fans and friends here. I used to be a big fan of Brooklyn 99 and then forgot entirely about the show. A friend reminded me and I was was thinking it would be alot of fun to do the 3 main female characters, Rosa, Amy and Gina as huge pregnant hotties.


It started off with Gina in the middle and exclaiming how she has done something to the others to make them conceive more, and Amy having an eating problem. But a patron suggested adding donuts, well because they're cops. So I changed course and added in a "few" donuts....and then more and more. The comic dialog brings together some lewd and suggestive additions being added to those "glazed" donuts. 


When it came to coloration I wanted to keep it simple and well...that always spirals into adding more little details and shades. Same thing happened to their bumps. I drew them with regular pregnant sized bellies and then came back after a walk and was like, "Go big Right?", so I made those bellies even bigger. Especially Rosa because I hear on the grapevine she is so hot for the fans. Amy as easy as she packs on loads of weight over the show and her pregnancies and Gina was a cute contrast of big belly of twins.

My other Amy Santiago piece from a few years back. A weight gain sequence. 
