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A fun 2000lbs commission for friend and writer Fan2000 who wanted to see Alien Kris Statlander consume enough food to reach breeding weight at 2000lbs

Watch the Timelapse painting of this here. 

Check out Fan2000's DeviantArt here. 

He has a short fiction story. Read it Now!


Excerpted Entries Leading Up to the Impregnation of Brood Alpha

Log #897 – September 1, 2021

Months after return to performing in front of live audiences across American nation-state, I continue to be enthusiastically received based on my persona and work in front of Terrans.  Am still pretending that injury to Terran knee needs to be protected even though the spacecraft’s medical nanobots completely repaired damage days after said injury.

Log #898 – September 8, 2021

Male coworkers acting weird around me, very friendly and those with mates acting alarmingly so.  Some male audience members that I closely interacted with became overly friendly, company’s security personal and coworkers a little overprotective.  This strange behavior got noticed by female performing counterparts.  Will monitor situation and seek advice if situation continues or escalates.

Log #899 – September 9, 2021

Have been eating non-stop for over 12 hours, every time I leave one Terran eatery I’m completely famished and go into another.  Males in establishments are eying me at an alarming rate, female companions or staff members get to be unfriendly after a few hours.

Log #900 – September 11, 2021

Over 24 Terran hours since last log, have continued to consume food without stop.  Am not tired, but completely energized.  Given my current situation, am ordering spacecraft for emergency pick up for medical examination.  Will advise upon receiving results.

Log #901 – September 12, 2021



Have been informed by medical program that I am not of the warrior caste as informed during my brood-raising but am a Queen that has been genetically altered specifically for mating with Terran males.  Due to Terran genetic material my Queen hormones have activated sooner than expected.  Have ordered medical program to declassify all materials related to my new status as I am now an official Queen, am studying all documents related to new status and changing mission parameters accordingly.  Have ordered Boots to the spacecraft.

Addendum #2

Throughout examination and subsequent fallout have continued to eat, though getting food is getting difficult given situation hiding spacecraft.  Have currently gained nearly 60 American weight units since process has begun, have crossed over 200 units.

Log #902 – September 16, 2021

Currently at approximately 300 American weight units.  Have ordered Boots to mind fog Terran male cohabitant then to recruit several female coworkers to be my ladies-in-waiting.  Am slowly reconfiguring the spacecraft for occupation by myself, future broods, Boots, and others.

Log #903 – September 19, 2021

Currently at roughly 400 American weight units.  Food intake has steadily increase since the arrival of Anna, Red, Shida, and Tay a few days ago.  Implantation proceeded without incident and the four quickly began getting food and helping clean up the spacecraft of empty food vessels as well as myself.  Boots requests implantation into another vessel, have promised an upgrade from current design upon completion of transformation.

Log #904 – September 23, 2021

Currently at 600 American weight units.  Acknowledge the congratulations of Queen Mother and Nurse Mother upon my transformation.  Have assented to request by Homeworld medical personal to attach images of physical progress beginning now and in each subsequent log entry.  [Images redacted by order of Her Glorious Majesty.]

Log #905 – October 1, 2021

Have completely first phase of transformation according to medical specs at 1000 American weight units.  Terran form has gotten awkward to move due to distribution of mass on form, but unaltered bone and muscle strength make up for form.  Am contemplating beginning genetic alterations to ladies-in-waiting as medical specs for how long brood gestation is a guess from normal three months to Terran nine months.

Log #906 – October 6, 2021

Currently at 1250 American weight units.  Have begun testing various methods of impregnation upon achieving complete transformation, given current distribution of mass on form will have determined spacecraft assistance is necessary.  Ladies-in-waiting have constructed feeding tubes for easier access to food and rate of unit accumulation has increased, decision on when to begin ladies’ transformation pending.

Log #907 – October 11, 2021

Currently at 1500 American weight units, can maneuver but am dragging mass across spacecraft floor making mobility inefficient.  Am now situated in chambers, have successful tested elevated floor to raise front mass to achieve copulation as well as brood delivery.  Four ladies have been genetically altered, will apprise Homeworld medical personal of their progress.

Log #908 – October 16, 2021

Currently at 1750 American weight units, have begun to have slight urgings and at current rate of transformation will soon achieve optimal level for impregnation.  All four ladies’ breasts have grown a size up each in standard American clothing, at current rate will achieve complete transformation in six Terran months at which time will be ready to begin milking delivered brood.

Log #909 – October 21, 2021

At approximately 2000 American units, urgings have increased in frequency with every unit added.  My four ladies have enticed an unconnected male coworker to see me, their growing breasts helped in the recruitment.  Am hours away from impregnation of first brood, have been thoroughly cleaned save for stretched out attire that have permanent stains to better present myself to the first progenitor.

I've been going through alot of the more recent AEW Diva Wrestlers like Kris, Anna Jay and Tay Conti. Would be good to give the Aloysius Treatment in your view?




This is really sexy, Kris is so massive.


Yep, definitely one of your best ones yet. ^_^