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Well this was a fun detour from the usual weightgain content. I really enjoyed working on this one and seeing where the sketching process took me and developing it into a coloured comic using fun bright colors seems to work. The style is accurate but cartoonish and I think captures the essence and likeness of Rachel from Friends. 

The comic is standalone but I can make a further part to the story where we see 2-4 more versions of Rachel's Pregnancy and its playing more on the fact in the show she was pregnant for over a year in a plot mistake. And I'm just adding more to her size with multiplies and all that to make her dialog and frustration even more comical.

 I'm hoping to do a breast exam and belly weighing in the next one or show her in something like a dress maybe. I'm pretty open to ideas on this. Let me know how you guys think as I'm thinking about doing Phoebe and Monica in the same scenario and style. 




Oh this looks good man.