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Happy Halloween Patrons!

We’ve had a huge new influx of pledging Patrons, so thank you for all that new support and thank you to all the continued support of my long time patrons. Over on the Discord click the link for access Pumpkinhead guessed who I was working on and past patron Electro guessed her weight.

Whats your favorite Halloween movie and who is your favorite Halloween female character?

Mine was always Morticia for her sassy quotes and effortless sultry attitude and way of moving.

Scary and sexy! She is terribly massive now after being indulged by her husband Gomez. She loves to satisfy him and her needs are great and many. If Lurch weighs her he would discover she’s is the devils favorite weight of 666lbs!

Do you think it’s affected her trim figure? She might get a fright if she saw her reflection!

Have an amazing safe Halloween guys and gals! Enjoy this one of Morticia or Older Wednesday if you prefer.
  • If this post gets over 10 likes and 5 unique comments I will do a Alternate Lingerie version. If it gets over 15 likes and 10 comments I will do a full nude version.




Could anyone else make 666lbs look so sultry? I doubt it. Fantastic work!


Favorite Halloween movie is tough: Alien, Army of Darkness, In the mouth of Madness, Jacob's Ladder, and the Shining are are favorites. But I recently rewatched From Dusk Till Dawn, and Salma Hayek as a vampire stripper was great! Awesome arms and belly on this work!


Alien is a classic for sure but I saw Honest Trailers of the Shining. Give it a watch, really breaks it down in a funny way:D Salam Hayek!!!!!!!!!!! Wow what a scene! I think she could be on my radar. Add her to the Celeb channel on Discord with a reference and weight description/


Unique comment right here baby!


In the famous words of Gomez Addams, CARA MIA! lol XD I can definitely see why he's crazy for Morticia, she's gorgeous even with the added weight! ^_^