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I am making a page to thank my patrons on the inside cover of Rivalry 'Fat Universe' Comic. I would like to use Patron usernames to do that like you see in youtube videos. Gold Member Patrons will get a Larger Font and top status, followed by Comic Tier Patrons in black font. Then a special thanks to all patrons who have supported between 90-100 dollars lifetime on Patreon.

I will publish the Patron Thank You page today on Patreon and if you Do NOT want your username in the comic you can send me a message and I will remove it. There will only be 48 hours to let me know before it will be too late before I publish the comic.

  • I am thinking of doing a new reward based delivery for this comic and future comics. So Gold get the full comics for free in Hi-Res along with access to the full Sketch versions, PSD's and the Color version.
  • Comic will get the Full Black and White comic posted on Patreon. Sketch Tier and Color Tier will get 10 and 20% discounts to the comic on ejunkie.
  • Any Patron though who has supported a lifetime over 100 dollars will receive the full black and white comic and when the color version is released a huge discount on the Color version.
Rivalry "Fat Universe" a Weight Gain Comic Starring Katy Perry and Taylor Swift gaining up to 400lbs or more compete to see who can be the Fattest! Written and edited by Fan2000. 10 pages of Black and White high quality lineart. With 3 Bonus Opening Pages from Fan2000 about the project and how we made it. And 3 Bonus Pages from me showing sketches and some details on how he comic was made. Included Page 10 without dialog and 1 Cover. A total of some 20+ Pages!

The Comic will drop on Patreon sometime this weekend. Fan and myself are making sure all the i's are crossed the t's are dotted. After its uploaded on Patreon it will be available on Ejunkie.

I also intend Rivalry to come in only 2 versions. Black/White and Color - they will have exactly the same contents otherwise. I think this is less confusing and gives everyone more direct access to the content.



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