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Wow! Now I have to say I did it again. This was supposed to be a comic that came out with pages regularly but this page I let slide by a few weeks extra. But...yesterday I spent the day just going over my comic projects of which there are many and got stuck into this page as it was so close to being finished. I feel really good about the comic again and its good to see Rey interact with the Jawa and the Max the Gnk droid.


This page was a cruical one as I wanted to show Rey being desperate and also the state of her situation. Enough that she might have “accidentally” tripped over the Jawa after seeing what was on his data slate. But I think her plan to acquire the supplies inside the GNK-Max 1000 will greatly backfire! She doesn’t know that the supplies are a never ending supply of the best foods from around the galaxy and it will be her job to eat them or become a slave. The next few pages are a little bit more set up until we see her losing those abs and getting a lot fatter....1000lbs fatter!


