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Here is the comic version of Sansa Stark.

Give it up to Nutt Boi(Tom) and Moob22 for giving me a suggestion each yesterday on Discord. If I am working on an illustration and posting updates there like sketches it's alot easier to get Patron feedback and shoot ideas around. If you want to give your own suggestions on future work you can join the Discord or comment on the sketches that I post. I check every comment. So thanks for the suggestions guys.

  • I have the comic dialog you suggested in the download attachments.

After watching the episode of Season 8 I felt the line when was bitching about how Daenarys and her Dragons were going to eat all the food she stockpiled was perfect. That was the inspiration for my dialogue for Sansa.

So now comes the big question? Who will we fatten next?

  • Cersei
  • Arya
  • Missandei
