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Hi everyone. Just cleaning my palette from drawing alot of WWE and celebs for a while with a model and content creator in the form of Carmen La Fox. I think she is weighing in around 350lbs ish and she is stuck in the bathroom for being too fat.

I think she is about 240lbs now in RL. And she gained faster than most women recorded on the internetz I've seen so far. Maybe as close or as fast as the great Miss Chunky.

Who is your favorite gaining model?

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Either her, Miss Chunky or Plump Princess (though her gain seems to have slowed significantly since she passed 400)


For sure, I wish Miss Chunky would come back and it seems Plump Princess isnt gaining much anymore. But Carmen is probably slowing down for a big increase later on maybe? Its hard to say. Shar though is the dark horse and might just blow all our minds


Mamma hoarker sure is really big and is gaining alot these days


Mama Horker is so new and different right now for me. I think she has a beautiful figure and features.