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Changelog for Patreon

Aloysius Erotic Art


Big Changes

A huge thank you to everyone's continued support this year. It means so much to me and I want to continue the amazing successes we have had this year!

With your investment I have been able to acquire both a Wacom Mobile Studio Pro 16 and a Ipad Pro 12.9 to make even better artwork. I use both these devices in creating my work and being more mobile so when I am travelling or abroad I can still provide high quality content. It's such a joy to be able to sit on the couch with a movie on and be coloring in obese celebrities!

I like to keep updating and adapting my Patreon to suit the needs of how my practice changes and grows. I have found that there is a huge drop in engagement on my Deviantart and my Patreon sites. And there is more engagement on Instagram but less people pledging from there. Maybe my Patreon site is too wordy or it's unclear what exactly you can get for your pledge?

Here are some of the changes I want to implement in the coming weeks to become a more streamlined and engaging successful patreon.

Tiers Changes

  1. Combine Tier 1 and 2 together.
  2. Reduce the cost of Tier 5 to 25$ from 100$.
  3. Rename the Tiers to be more clear to what patrons will receive.
  4. Tier 1= Sketch Tier
  5. Tier 2= Color Tier
  6. Tier 3= Comics Tier
  7. Tier 4= All Enclusive Content

What will each Tier give the Patron.

Sketch Tier( formerly Tier 1 and 2)

Value $2

  • Voting rights on all Polls
  • Access to Discord Channel
  • Sketches and Drafts of upcoming artwork

Color Tier ( formerly Tier 3)

Value $5

  • All Sketch Tier content and rights
  • Line Art and Color art of finished sketches and drafts.
  • Progress pieces of finished content.
  • 5% Commission Discount
  • 10% ejunkie Comicbook Discounts

Comic Tier ( Formerly Tier 4)

Value $10

  • All Sketch and Color Tier content and rights
  • Full high resolution comic posts of upcoming comics
  • 10% Patreon Discount
  • 20% ejunkie Comicbook Discounts
  • Your username credited in Black Font on published comics (only applicable for current Patrons on publishing of comic)

Gold Member Tier ( Formerly Tier 5)

Value $25

  • All Tier content and rights
  • Google Drive project folders giving access to PSD files, high resolution files
  • Your username credited in Gold Font on published comics.
  • One off Sketch commission of anyone of your choice!
  • One off Full Color commission with any weight up to 1000lbs! ( Celeb or Character)
  • Cameo or name drop of you in upcoming comics.
  • Gold Member Status on Discord.

Other Monthly Patreon Content for all Patrons!

  • All patrons will also get a monthly mention on the Monthly Patreon Illustration of a Celeb or Character that you all can vote on each month. Between two choices. All choice for who I draw are done at random from the Celeb or Character Free Request Suggestion Channels on Discord.
  • You must post in the relevant channel!
  • Random selection of two choices will be pulled from the Channel and I will include your Username the final illustration at the bottom of the post.

I also intend to bring back Graphics to display what the new Tiers mean also.

Goal Changes


Since basically all my goals are achieved after 3 years of using Patreon. I have published two comics, and gotten the ipad pro and wacom pro for my work. The next major goals I have are to get a studio space separate from where I live so I can work 9-5 and have far less distractions than I get at home. I would be using some of the monthly patreon income for that purpose to cover the rent of a studio.

Printed Comics

The second goal would be to source a limited print run of the comics I have published already and send out comics to the the highest pledging amount patrons will get a limited edition version of the comic. This version will be signed and have a special note in it.

Everyone who has pledged over 50$ consecutively will also get a standard version of the printed comics delivered free of charge. These will be signed also.


I want to make livestreaming more engaging and devote at least 1 day a week to streaming my artist process via Picarto.tv where I pay for a premium subscription and it records my streams for watch back later. Streaming is great fun and I think it brings out the best in my creative process and you can ask me questions and give suggestions on making the best art possible. This is the most direct way you can influence my artwork other than standing over my shoulder and whispering in my ear. Its awesome. This livestreaming will also be open to all Patrons and the Public. But Patrons are the only people I will do Spot Request for inbetween the project I am working on.

Those the changes I have been thinking of and asking patrons on discord about for the last few weeks. I know some people might not be happy with the changes but long time patrons will know that I like to update and streamline my patreon every now and again and make it more effective.

The goals are to create a more interactive and rewarding experience for you guys and make my artwork more available and easier for me to share with you guys. If anyone whats to edit or stop supporting me I understand.

If you have any comments or gripes or suggestions for other changes that are constructive please post a comment below. I will begin to make these changes next week.


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