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I finally got page 2 finished inked. After about 3-4 months of development hell and solely my responsibility. Fan2000 has been great and rewrote some panels to help as I was struggling with perspective and references. It was a real nightmare. I literally hit the comic wall.

  • As you can see I made a few changes from this test draft version.

But the last week since getting home from vacation I just pushed through.

I am going to try make more comics as I promised at the start of the year and deliver them according to Tier system. So when its finished you will have seen and read the whole comic together. And then get a finished version ( for certain Tiers) and its alot more rewarding.

  • So Panel 3 and 4 with Katy Perry aka Cathy Perri and her friend discuss her weight gain and how its effecting her life and friends. 




Great work! Love the shaping of her tummy in the last panel. Delightfully sloshy!