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Iggy Azalea Reference.

Iggie Assleah looking a bit chunky as a bit of a study and potential return for a sequel.


  • This one I intend to finish and publish the video time-lapse.

Cerebral Probe wrote this short story about this piece. 

Read below!


     It was nearly a year since famed pop rap star Iggy Azalea was seen regularly out in the public eye. Ever since her weight skyrocketed from her fattening diet regimen and determination for the “Biggest Twerk of All Time” which she was on the right track to attaining.  

Paparazzi and bystanders randomly caught glimpses of the Aussie whale as she occasionally ventured out for posh restaurant dining or to get an updated wardrobe, one of which she consistently outgrew. Her usual outfits consisted of crop tops, various styles of gym shorts and workout gear (for their elasticity rather than the quality to help the user exercise in them).

Another afternoon came and went as eager cameramen awaited by the hotel that was serving the immense blond’s temporary residence. However, due to the influx of festivities regarding the summer holiday of the United States Independence Day, today was their lucky day.

As the setting sun gave a warm glow to the summer sky, Iggy Azalea waddled out of the lobby and into the parkway of the hotel’s blacktop. She was hungrily eating a slice of pizza as she waited for her reinforced limousine to pick her up so she could enjoy the American Holiday. From a distance the paparazzi immediately recognized the obese femme rapper and swarmed her with shutter flashes as they captured numerous and hundreds of photos of footage of her slow trek.

Iggy wrinkled her nose as she pulled the pizza away from her face as she furrowed her brow and looked on, “They can’t help but snap photos….I hate when I’m not glamorous.” The irony in the statement was that Iggy hadn’t dressed glamorous in months. She took a slow step forward as her belly and ass shifted in the tight outfit.

Her double belly began wobble as she stepped forward. The upper roll began to overlap and swallow the waistband of her blue gym shorts as gravity affected it. She held her one free arm downwards, the bicep flab hanging over her elbow as the rest of her arm’s excess flab hung down for an even heavier effect. Her infamous ass was straining the back of her shorts as her colossal shelf made it difficult to cover up both of her rotund cheeks with any lower garment, no matter how high they were pulled up. 

She scoffed as the cameramen focused on taking photos of her massive lower half and the “money shot” which was any actual full on snapshot of her ass. Several paparazzos managed to take a few photos from behind while a majority took a bunch from the side. Security swarmed a few of the aggressive photographers and made them back away from Iggy. As one loud, brash photographer was being pulled away he shouted, “Everyone thought you retired! I need photos!”

Iggy looked to him and answered back, “I’m not retired okay! I’m just acquiring mass!”

Olivia Munn stuffing sausages into her mouth based on the Attack the Show. I love how cute she is and just has a really go get it attitude starved for attention. She even wore a convincing enough fat suit for the show. But check out the gif where she literally shoves five huge sausages into her neck.

Paige from WWE sketch for a friend on a Discord Server who wrote a really cool short story about her weight gain.

Last but not lease. Mandy Rose with enormous mega tits I made one morning in bed. 

Using the ipad Pro is alot of fun. Its not as heavy as the Wacom Studio Pro and has a great battery. I like its no nonsense interface with Procreate which makes it very similar to using a sketchbook. 

I can place it in my backpack with no cables, keyboards or other periphery things and just go to a cafe and draw some fat women. Its perfect in that regard. But I am still enjoying and loving the Wacom. I am using right now and all my big digital pieces are still being made on it. 

Over time we will see more developed and finished artwork from the ipad. I also have found that the time-lapse software is awesome. So 



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