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Howdy folks!

Hope everyone is well. I've been suffering from a migraine which is on its third day of attrition with. Despite that I was lot on mojo ( inspiration ) and needed something to get me back into the game with all the new Patrons joining! Wow over 140 this week which is another new milestone!

Speaking of stones ( weight measurement in Ireland is in Stones!) here is Bryce Dallas Howard packing on the fat with the help of her co-star Chris Pratt.

I am thinking along the lines of dialog being that the Interviewer is asking the actors how they got into shape for the new film. And they tease and joke and do all the chit chat banter and then get a bit more intimate. When Pratt discloses he's personally helped Howard get into her new plus size figure with lots of weight gain shakes and special dieting for fat cells to grow.

I might write a little excrept for the film as if it was a parody and not about Dinosaurs but about super obese women living on a tropical island that millions of people would pay to go and see and interact with and feed. But it all goes horribly wrong and the sequel results in Howards character becoming obese after being genetically modified to need more food and have a higher bone density to support the extreme weight.

If people are up for that let me know in the comments your thoughts or ideas I could implement into the mini comic and short story?

The full comic when finished will be available to patrons but the behind the scenes, extra content and short story is exclusive to here.




I don’t know if you’re familiar with the artist Bigbig over on deviantart, but he did an image/short story about her character being modified to being a giantess SSBBW of sorts to up numbers and she eats dinosaurs and they have her in a leopard print jungle bikini. So special tropical island of giant fat women sounds interesting


I am aware of his work as I follow him and wow, what an incredible artist. I love his techniques! Haha he does have some wacky ideas for sure and I think that could be really epic idea is done the right way/