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Hey everyone! Hope you are all having a great March! Wow, is it me or did February come and go almost too quickly. We saw the release of Fat Adventure Time black and white edition as the first completed goal of this Patreon! For that I'm so happy and honored you have enjoyed it so far. The color edition is coming along nicely and I'm really pushing my skills in color theory and ensuring from my own laziness and lack of ability that future comics will be in color if I can help it. It really makes them look better and more professional which is where I'd like to see myself. Imagine me being contracted by a large comic publisher to draw bbw super heroines in an established universe like Marvel or DC. And another big drop for this patron and my artwork is that I finally ordered the Wacom Mobile Studio Pro 16" 256gig with the stand, wacom link and cover. All because of the support of my Patrons! I'm going to do a video unboxing for you all and show you the new machine I can't wait to use. Followed by a livestream of a new celebrity weight gain illustration. I thinking Rihanna at 620lbs or more! In the livestream you can give me the best reference images for me to use or other models you think should inspire her size and weight gain and what kind of content she will say on the pic. I'm currently on a mini vacation in Spain at the moment to see some family. It was to be a working vacation but the Wacom wouldnt arrive in time. I'm back from the 6th to 9th of March and then I'm off to the Hague in the Netherlands to collaborate with the wonderful Maria Alive. We hope to develop a new comic focusing on vore, stuffing, bloating and preggo stuff as per Maria's expertise as a content creator in that field. While we may shoot some video stuff too which I'll see about getting some making of photos for us all on here. After the Hague whne I'm back it's gona be publishing F.A.T. Color and Bonus Editions followed by starting the pages for Rivalry featuring parodies of Taylor Swift and Katy Perry growing to around 500lbs or more in a competition to outdo each other in a response to the weight gain success of Iggie Assleahs world record breaking Twerk. And as always among this all these plans I hope to make many more illustrations, comics and tutorials.




"Imagine me being contracted by a large comic publisher to draw bbw super heroines in an established universe like Marvel or DC." How fantastic would that be! Looking forward to the unboxing and updates. In the meantime enjoy your holiday. :)


Thank you Halrion! I know, it would be a dream come true to be honest! I'm hoping all the comic I'm doing gets me a deal at some point for original characters.