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Hi guys! Sorry all about the lack of updates and artwork. Travelling andack of wifi and time to make art has been a challenge. I still sketch and come up with new ideas for here. I'm about to cycle over the Pyrenees mountains today into Spain where I'll be seeing my old man and he has a mac studio where I can do some sketching and art of some fatties. At least for a week or two. After that I'm spending two weeks in Italy and then heading back home to Ireland where I can do some more work and figure out life not in the saddle again. I've been writing logic and scripts for a Feeder Game again. It's pretty nice and will be easy to make. I'm also going to try find a developer to pay to write all the code and I'll do the art. It's basically HunieCam inspired, you play as a BBW Studio and can hire up to 10 Models to try and make as much money and fame as possible and change the world of modeling forever by having the fattest female models in history. It's a mash up of loads of ideas I've kind of hand but I'm settling on this one because it'd kind of a clone and should be easier to make in theory. I will be back working again soon guys to finish the Fat Adventure Time comic and do commissions and Patreon Community art you guys deserve.


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