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It seems as though everyone is trying to play/download everything at the same exact time and it keeps suspending the link. For now I’m going to give it to the highest tier and slowly roll it out to see if we can avoid the repeated suspensions. 😅



Frivvi breaking the internet. I'm not surprised.

Stephen Lincoln

You might have to set up a deli counter system, everyone takes a number and gets in line. 🫠

Mitch Connor

Understandable 👍.


They disabled the links for the next 24 hours LMAO AKSFHSKLDH SFyou guys are wild


It's me, hi, I'm the problem, it's me


Stupid YouTube! I appreciate the effort you're putting in xD


No problem. I'm sure you will find a way to resolve this real quick. The highest tier is definitely worth it.


There’s honestly not much more I can do… they’ve suspended links for 24 hours and nothing can be done about it


I understand. Thanks for replying Frivvi. At the very least, you have my support.


Everybody giving Dropbox and Drive the hug of death 🤣

Ramiro Garza

Worth it every listen, thanks for doing the most for us!


Getting these out is becoming such a mission🤣 thanks friv❤️

José Robson

I don't have Dropbox, but I'm going to download it

Eric Smith

This is mind-blowingly high quality. I feel like I bought the Blu-Ray box set or something. Your camera and the care you put into the A/V quality of your content really, really shine here (not that they didn't before but y'know)

José Robson

Now a suggestion, why don't you put the Dropbox videos on odysee, I know most of them are there, but at least the ones that aren't