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This is the actual description of dark world in the game. Gotta be honest, dark world doesn't sound that bad to me :V




Who wouldn't want a rabbit hero with big boobs to arrive and save the day?

Andie G

When I was a kid I used to enter the Dark World on purpose just to transform into Link's (completely defenseless) rabbit form. Didn't understand why I was so into it at the time but...well...here we are


Post number 911, huh? come a long way


Yep. Year of the bunny indeed!


Gotta say it would be interesting to see people for what they really are.


Gotta find a portal ASAP


Ahh… Ganon’s true weakness, an anthropomorphic bunny girl with a sword. The sword of evil’s bane doesn’t work without a girl rabbit as wielder. That’s my head canon now and I’m sticking to it.

Little Napoleon

Can't wait for this bun to show up in Tears of the Kingdom!


Links lucky he her heart and mind aren’t a ball, or a green brain thing, or whatever the flute kid was before he turned into a tree.


Hidden new game plus: gets to be bunny Link in the Light World too.


You beat Ganon and the curse on the land is lifted... but you're still a bunny girl, and that's ok I guess, it matches what was in your heart all along :V