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Just want to give you dorks a quick update.

I subbed to this guy why isn't he posting anything :V

Sorry for the lack of updates, I did post this on discord and answer dm's to anyone that asked, but I should have posted here sooner. I had 4 family members pass around easter (3 grandparents and a step father a couple months before that). I also hadn't been feeling great the last few weeks. I am doing better now but I got a bit behind on my Changeling Tale obligations, once I catch up on CT I'll be back to posting art and streaming.

Looking forward to doing more art :B



I'm sorry to hear. Take your time, I've been there and it's rough. Maybe creativity helps, but really go your own pace and do what's right for you. I know we don't know each other, but as a creator who has also gone through a lot of loss in the last couple years, I open to talk if you need it. You are welcome anytime.


Take care Wat. I'll try and draw more dragons for you.


My condolences. Take the time you need to do self-care and grieve; we'll be here when you're ready to get at it.


Oof. That's rough :( Well, take your time coming back into things. Art is a very emotionally-charged enterprise, and I imagine that said emotions are probably all over the place right now. Rest your heart, and don't rush anything ;)


Thank you, I think I've taken enough time right now, I'll be back to work soon :B


Greatest of condolenses in the losses you have had to endure this past Easter and not feeling well either best of wishes to you and your kin in this time.


Ah, good to hear. Having meaningful work to do can be healing as well.