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Shark needs a root canal and is running a little fundraiser campaign for it right now, so I doodled this :V



Jennifer Miller

I thought you meant the shark in the pic needed a root canal, and being somewhat knoweledgable on the beasts from years of shark week, I was like "but sharks don't- oh, he meant the artist"

Jennifer Miller

I'm right there with Shark, though. I finally got dental insurance this year and got my checkup, and now have to wait for my income tax return to get all four wisdom teeth out, and then they want to do a deep clean of my mouth. A long and costly procedure that isn't covered by my insurance until next year. It's almost like we should have some kind of government subsidized health care that is universally available and free to the public... Some kind of... Universal Healthc- *tackled for bringing politics into the TF smut community*


This is karmic punishment for not drawing enough fb!evan. Or something. Hopefully it goes easy for him V:


I should go get all my health stuff looked at while I'm still under washington apple care :V


poor little guy. I haven't seen him cry this bad since he found out Bane wasn't real.


I hope shark will be okay :0


I think he will, we've got a good community support group :V


AppleCare is pretty much literally the only reason I'm still engaged in Krebs Cycle-related activity.


I just got it recently so I'm not entirely sure how to start using it :V