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You gotta be clear when you're talking to people in a universe where TF is an option. You're just asking for trouble otherwise :V




Should have used the proper terminology. Like "Brony" or "Pegasister"


She actually meant to say that she's a pegaresistor. This entire TF thing has been quite an education for her.


Also, when i first started dating my ex-spouse, she was running a working horse ranch. She and I had a brief conversation making sure that we were both clear on what words meant what in what context and the important differences between 'horse woman' and 'pony girl'.


I would insert a clever horse pun here , but I’m so tired I’m going to hit the hay for tonight.


If pony girls were more like this I think people would like them a lot more V:


No backsies now!


Definitely a "Show Pony Girl" - her mane and tail are spectacular!


Man people take things so literal these days eh?

Spess Mahren

In the future when you do tf that involves getting bigger could you place a object or two that could be used to eyeball how big they are? Clothes are all over the place when it comes to how much abuse they can take. Great work as always otherwise.


Now she's a lot of a pony girl.


Maybe, bg's and objects are a lot of work though and sometimes I just wanna get some character art done :P

Spess Mahren

Understandable, the thought just came to me when I saw your last dragon picture and realized the tiny glasses by themselves showed she grew 2 to 3 times her old size.

Little Napoleon

They call that transformation "the Pony Express."


One thing I keep forgetting to ask you - most of your femaleTF subjects end up being quite "top heavy" in the milk gland department. One would think, especially with an equine transformation, that her breasts would be on the smaller side - even if her human breasts were on the large side to begin with. If the TF were a little more advanced, I should think she would end up with a small tidy pair of udders in her groin area? Just stands to reason.