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Thinking about it, turning your political opponents into animals actually seems pretty tame compared to real politics :V



Issah Wywin

Excuse me, I'd much rather kiss the paws of an anthro queen than the feet of a human one

The Captain

And then they make her Queen.


Yay pretty kitty princesses \o/ I'd still support her

Little Napoleon

Somebody oughta make a game about saving this princess! "I'm sorry but the princess is in another kennel!"


I for one would love to see this story expanded on. It's a hell of a hook!


Im sure a kiss from the prince will break this curse....or it might just transform the prince too....


It is definitely an interesting concept. Wat's pretty good at that


At the end you must decide amongst a bunch of animals for the right Princess. "You have chosen poorly" *Game Over*


Warm Milk, Fish and Yarn for all of her subjects. Its a good deal


It's a Wat strip, they definitely will crown the animal looking princess.


I mean, if she's turning into a lion. Just maul the dude and get on with her life. Find a prince charming who wants a purr-snuggle.


Joke's on him! We'd be happy to have a kitty princess! XD


I hope this is the next game you guys make after changling tale UwU

Black Robed Mage

There was a story along these lines a couple years back, in which they need to hide the heir, so they turn her into a cow, but it turns out the plan was to leave her a cow long enough for her to just...forget about the whole "being human" thing.


It's all faun and games until Princess Werewolf escapes, has adventures, and comes back with a wolfwere boyfriend and three dozen pack members eager to paint the castle's walls red.


I, for one, welcome our new tiger overladys.


Can't wait for the next part where the kingdom does the exact opposite of what the wizard just said.


"We" in the present tense, sure (unless you meant giving her a wand to make her a magical "princess" kitty), but I was couching this in the context of the image, in a past era of monarchies ;)


Another Princess would be nice though. Keep the bed warm and all that.

Some Foxy

Fuck it, if this was an actual thing that happened in politics it would easily be one of the most entertaining things out there! XD


More interesting than the news we are getting these days :P