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Sharkrags own personal curse, the fem bunny version of Evan looking quite surprised at her assets. Must be recently TF'd :V

Inspired by a doodle Shark did of Evan behind a giant cow lady he was drawing.




I don't know much about this Evan person but he seems to be one unlucky fellow.

Little Napoleon

Evan can't escape his fate. Someday, canon.

Val Salia

Haha I like this one; a much more bunny-ish version, rather than the more lean rabbit-ish type FBEvan usually is depicted as!


Hmm Rabbit 🐺


He said anything typed in chat was canon for 10 seconds the other day and I typed "fem bunny evan is canon" - so it's canon now :V


Of all the things I'd call fb!evan, lean is not one of them.


Clearly this occurs before Evan discovers Olli's weaknesses, as shown back in November, By the time that happens, he's learned to deploy his assets to his advantage.

Some Foxy

Evan does look much better like this. :3