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Time for a compilation post! You've seen most of these posted individually, but there's a few surprises.

Check the Onedrive out here for an alternate download and PSD's! 

A couple collaborative pics with Sharkrags and Acesential in this pack, make sure you check them out.

Shark did most of the work on that Cleo (I just sketched the middle one as a joke that he made very serious).

Ace really liked the Gym Rat and did the inks for me :B

As usual, comments or DM's are always open for feedback! If you want to leave feedback on the pictures or the patreon, I encourage it.




Gee, such a strange title for a patreon post. SURELY HOPE IT DIDN'T MAKE ANYONE EXCITED FOR A SPLIT SECOND >:V


Pajama Dog and Gym Rat are so cutehot. @w@


I am partial to things that turn into animals and are cute :V


Thanks! Got your sketch request in too so you can make another :P


I, for one, learned a thing about mice just now.


Love the way you write these Wat! great work as always :D


I hope it doesn't live, that's like horror movie stuff, drawing come to life.


#6 Look - it's Gadget from the old Chip and Dale cartoons. :D

Little Napoleon

Wow that Sears bit just dusted the cobwebs off of some memories I buried deep, *deep* down @_@ Oh right also nice art pack here!


We were talking about old commercials when I was trying to think up text.