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HUGE SUPER DUPER SPOILERS. These will be in the beta build in a couple days (maybe tonight)for the $25 backers on CT (with all the fun text that makes it way hotter, you should totally pledge, jk, I know you're all cool ct patrons already).

Just finished the months CT work and I'm back to personal stuff for the rest of the month (mostly, might have a few things to do here and there).

Here's a bit of a preview of the stuff I was working on for the first half. These will all be the next compiled CT post (some of them more cleaned up). Really happy with a lot of them (especially the sex sequence though).

Lots I wanna get done, lets see if I can do any of it! :V




Omg the cuddles. ♥w♥

J Green

Hubba hubba...


I see someone is taking advantage of the uh.... "benefits" that lycanthropy has to offer. ;)


Love these designs so much <3


Very nice. Also take one from LMP's playbook, when Malcolm grabs her butt he pretends he's driving a car.


Oh my God! The cuddling..... the CUDDLING!!!! Its so cute I'm gonna die.

Little Napoleon

The Beta is up now! Nice job on all these sketches, Wat!