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Whew, lots of posts. Sorry about that, decided it's a new year, might as well make some big changes now before I make some art posts.

Here's the Onedrive link, like usual! Just one this time - everyone gets to enjoy the hi-res versions and PSD's now!

Everything should be working. I hope. If you spot anything broken on the Patreon, let me know and I'll fix it!

Make sure you guys check the welcome post for the request links at the bottom, a lot of you should have access to sketch suggestions that you might not have before - and everyone who used to be at the hi-res tier now has access to the color request suggestions.

Let me know what you guys think of the changes, the art, the campaign, whatever. Any thoughts below! :V




I really like this new way you're doing sketches. Some pretty good stuff coming out of that collab with Ace. Shame nothing could be done about the Frasier wolf image. Maybe some day a brave soul from one of the JOI creation boards will take that image and make something memey out of it. I also hope that this price thing will still provide you with a good slice of change for how much you try to squeeze in doing per month. And more people requesting color images...maybe even of certain DAKI like images...


Thanks! I'm enjoying the new look too. Fraiser was never meant to be, but that doesn't mean something can't happen one day :V


Good ones here - best is horny skonk :3


Lots of good stuff, always a fan of werewolves in heat :B