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As usual, the dropbox link! 

There are slightly less images this month, been pretty packed with work and some unavoidable downtime. I've invested a lot of effort into making them a bit more interesting than usual though, and I hope the quality makes up for it.

Also of note, most of them are requests! If you see your color or sketch request here, make sure you get a new one in at your convenience. :B

I'm in the middle of the next sequence request as well, that'll be coming next month, it's going to be a fun one for a lot of people, I think.

Any favorites from this batch?




Giraffe Knight has the cutest face. ♥w♥


If only Grumpy Deliverycorn hadn't gotten stuck in traffic, GrumIfpy Buisnesswolf might not of gotten called into the office. Also, it's a miracle giraffe knight hasn't been mauled by vampires.


And I thought the barber cuts off your dick or glues on a dildo or something. :V


Love your rpg art stuff ^_^ Also somehow you made Tifa more attractive =0 Hope you’re doing well out in the crazy world rn much love!


Grumpiness runs throughout the tf business it seems. Giraffe-Knight is a professional and very good at what she does, even is she's a goofball.


I'm doing great, glad people are enjoying the RPG stuff because I've really liked doing the theme, think it's pretty fun.


Man no wonder the witch shoved that ghost cat in the box..... what a chatterbox!!!


I like the Brynne bobblehead :3

Val Salia

Aw man that horse/dragon one is awesome; the figures are great, and the colors make it stand out even more, but it's the banter about their situation that really does it for me.


The Giraffe Knight looks so good