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This months update is going to be delayed, I've included previews for some of the stuff that is going to be in it. There will be a 6 step collaborative sequence going up tonight as well. These are just WIP images and text/story elements aren't done yet, still playing with ideas. There are also some requests I may hammer out before I do the full post.

Now, if you're interested in the reason: I recently moved!

Previously I was in an apartment where my room didn't have enough space to turn my chair around, it was not an ideal working space, and my bed was never properly setup because the frame left no room for me to sit at my desk :V

My brother and I moved into a new house on the 7th of this month.

I didn't mention it before on here because I had arranged for the move very early in the month and thought I'd easily be able to catch up on the art stuff, but there's been a lot of unexpected things I've had to deal with as a new homeowner.

Basically spent the week leading up to the move prepping for it and was pretty much dead for a few days after the move finished. Since then it's been a ton of trips to stores, getting utilities hooked up, cleaning up the old apartment so we get our deposit back, cleaning this place up (the previous owners had 5 kids and missed some stuff), removing and adding fixtures, getting rooms setup (my desk alone took me 2 days to put together, had to go buy tools to finish it), picking out furniture, fixing a lot of broken stuff, getting rid of a ton of garbage from the move, getting everything put in the new address, making a lot of lists about things we need to do and get, setting up the spare bedroom for rent to someone, and just tons of stuff I can't even remember :V

I'll have these all finished up + a bit more in the next couple weeks. Should have a short sequence up tonight too :V

For now, back to art and streams.

Thanks for all the support, I couldn't have moved into a new place without it :B



Little Napoleon

Congrats on the move! Hope you guys get to grill some fun meals soon now that you can :3


We have a grill now, and a porch to grill on, we just need to find some time to get the thing assembled and plan out what we want to cook on it :B


Happy New Housening! Also, I love Cleo's monologue about Shark, and I'm glad you've come to see the light about the merit of anthros/furries with human-shaped faces. ;)


Thats a wonderful bellcat you did this month! I hope nothing major pops up with the new house.


Shark is going to lose his mind when he sees that preggo pic of his girl. Lol


Thanks, as for the house it's honestly just a lot of work, nothing has been too bad.


They can have furry ears. They can even have fuzzy faces, but shaped like a human's, a la Fred Perry's Gold Digger and most of the TF artist Naga's work. :q


Very good selection of stuff, looking forward to all of it :B


#1 - I see plenty of them on this post, including yourself, you lovable fourth-wall breaking kitty cat. :)


Human faces on anthro are like human faces on 100% animal characters to me, they look out of place and creepy :V They remind me of the faces in the grinch movie or the cat in the hat movie.


Glad you and your brother got a better place! I’m having a hard time finding one myself >w<


Careful wat, your dialog becoming dangerously meta :A (also, I personally wouldn't mind seeing a version of the dragon sex one without the UI elements, since they cover up parts of the drawing)


I know how much effort it takes to move lol, its an absolute pain in the ass. Congrats on becoming a homeowner though. Its my dream to one day own my own house but it seems almost impossible nowadays, Nice to see its still possible.


It really is, but it's so wroth it - and it wouldn't be possible for me without all the support everyone here gives, I hope I provide enough stuff to make it worth it every month :V


Also I love the two dragon pics. The first one is funny and the second on is very clever.


Those dragons are great. Love the UI display elements

Val Salia

That's a greeeeat dragonspression in the last one there! And also, loving the fun you've been having with Sharkrags' characters lately