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Not much to update everyone on right now. I'm getting ready to buckle down for some CT work for the month and then switch back into Patreon stuff.

The changes I posted about last big update are still coming but I don't want to rush them. I'll give everyone another update when I've nailed down exactly what I'll be changing.

Posts have been low on Patreon suggestions the past couple months, I'll be doing them more often again starting next update.

What do you think of the art this time around? :B



Jordan Etherington

I actually really really enjoy the cool non-TF speedpaints!


I have missed the speed paints. owl crown and dragon wedgie are both 10/10 as well


Lots of good stuff as usual wat :B


Loving the fluffy dragons. There are some good horrible puns in hete too.


#1 - She seems new at this. Maybe she needs a coach. There were an awful lot of wardbrobe malfunctions in this set. But not #3, she was thinking ahead. :)


Not sure if the Bird Crown is cursed, I think that needs further evaluation.


Those bunny percentages all add up to me