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Probably just a day, have a bunch of sketches for the month to dump but I wanna clean them up a bit more and I won't be able to get them all done tonight (falling asleep on stream as we speak), just giving you a heads up.

Will post a scraps dump when I wake up to hold you over.



I agree! I just like to let people know when it's been so long since an update and I might miss a new content drop for the month. Communication is important :B

Jennifer Miller

Yeah, you would not believe how many times I've sent a dm to an artist and never heard back or waited months on end for word of a commission I've already paid for. In the former's case, I'd rather have a polite but blunt no than just being ignored.


I've been burned once due to lack of communication so nice to see you value it. :)


It's funny, I was just saying to Fluff-Kevlar that he's allowed to take a break once in a while. I'm going to repeat that sentiment here. Don't push yourself too hard - we'd rather see something later than nothing ever.


I may not be the best at getting everything I want to do done, but I'll always be ther to keep people updated.


I admittedly have to do the communication thing a lot because I owe so many people things, hard to do everything I want to every month, but I do try to be around for updates.


Shouldn't be too much of a delay, just not the most productive art month for me, happens sometimes.

Val Salia



Take a break and then get to work. Of course you can’t do it if you don’t have the strength to do it. Have a rest


It's mostly me trying to fix that latest photoshop update, but the break is appreciated :P