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It's been a bit since the last update notice so let me give you a quick rundown of what's up with me.

Things I've accomplished:

For starters, I updated the banner so it looks pretty fancy now, let me know what you think! 

I've gone ahead and made all of the content on the Patreon easier to find with index posts, given tutorials on getting discord access, better organized all the previous content, uploaded more than 600 missing PSD files from the high resolution tier, and am uploading every piece of art that I can find to Patreon through the scraps post and gallery mirror posts. Patreon should now be the exclusive place you can find all of my art in one spot  (through one-drive, anyway).

I implemented the request system - though I haven't had a chance to dive deep into them yet, once I get going (probably in March) I think I'll be able to tackle at least 15 requests per month (give or take depending on whether I do a sequence or not). I'll try to make sure I do people who haven't had requests first, and then keep it so everyone slowly gets their request done before I start doing a second one for everyone.

I also tossed another Changeling Tale sketch folder up and will keep doing that as long as LN lets me! :V

Speaking of which, if you haven't tried out Changeling Tale yet, check the demo out - and support it on Patreon if you can! It's the other major project I'm involved in and it's turning out fantastic (in my completely unbiased opinion).

If you haven't checked any of the above stuff out, it comes out to about 1200 additional images to Patreon when the scrap piles are finished uploading in full. My one-drive went from 5gb used to 25gb used after the upload round for the month finished.

Between all the Patreon revamps, trying to catch-up on commissions, and the Changeling Tale workload - I'm dead tired, but I've got a lot of work ahead of me still.

Up next:

I should still have 2 planned normal monthly updates coming this month - and admittedly with all the additions to Patreon in the first half of the month, I may cut that down to one and maybe a bonus sequence or two, due to time constraints.

I'm going to be busy because tomorrow I take off for Anthro New England, the Boston furry convention. If you'll be around, come stop by - I'll be demoing our game Changeling Tale as well as doing a panel on "How to depict Transformation in Art" - I'll probably also be hanging around doodling in my spare time :B

We'll be there as a group with a bunch of TF artists and fans, so come say hi or hang out if you're in the area, we might also be handing out small gifts to people who stop by our game setup while we're there!

As for post ANE plans: I'm planning to tackle some more past-due commissions so I can get those out of the way, get some tier images for the sidebar (I could stand to make this place look more professional), probably going to be attending Anthrocon in July, and mostly just try and stabilize my overall production output to keep everyone here happy here while keeping up with my other obligations. 

Long-Term Goals:

Finally, I've had some long term goals for the Patreon that I eventually want to get to, but In the past I've been a bit too ambitious with how much I tackle, and I want to keep everyone's expectations reasonable with the amount of work I've been putting out each month.

I would like to start up the Adventurer story stuff again in a few months once I'm more stable on my month to month workflow. This is an easy goal, but I don't want to get ahead of myself again with how much I'm challenging myself to do every month.

As an even more ambitious goal, I would like to start on those comic projects again, but I don't have a good eta on those. I'm limited on how much I can do each month and I would probably have to cut down on site projects or requests in order to make time for this. I think it would be a more interesting form of content, but it takes a lot of investment to start making comics.

Perhaps after my commissions are caught up I can slowly start transitioning into more comic based work (coincidentally a good chunk of my commissions are comics, so it will be a good test of my abilities).

Lastly, I'd like to get a website up and running - because of the amount of work this is going to be, I'm probably going to have to pay a good deal of money for this. My issue is that I don't know who to get to do it or how much to pay for it. But I think having a website with patreon integration, a blog, and a gallery would make browsing my images way easier to you guys, and probably easily on myself if it's setup right.

I had some people help me get some mock-ups done, and I have a host and a domain, but it never made it past the testing phase. 

I've got a good idea for what kind of site I want and the features I'd need, but I'm cautious about starting that project too quickly because I know building a site is a huge undertaking that I probably can't do myself. :V 

And that's pretty much it for now, let me know if you have any thoughts, ideas, or comments about any of this below! :B




Loving the sketch folders btw. Seen a few things that I haven't before. \o/

Little Napoleon

Nice job organizing all that content! It's a great model that I hope other artists take advantage of ^^


Thanks LN, was a lot of work to setup, but hopefully new patrons easily find all their rewards :B


I really appreciate that you make your content super visible and easily searchable. I feel like most other Patreons I've been part of put no effort in providing an ease of access to previous content posted. Thank you for putting in all your work.


One of the biggest problems I have with Patreon is that it's very hard to browse content people are paying to support. Their biggest problem is that they don't have any gallery support what-so-ever. There are a lot of workarounds you have to do to make it easier for people to access content, but it's a lot of work and it's not easy to figure out, so I can understand why people don't do it more often. I've actually brought this up directly to Patreon several times in 1 on 1 interviews now, including talking with the CEO on hangtimes :V People paying me money every month should be able to see my content easier than people on Furaffinity do :P


I've kinda suspected that a lot of content providers could put the extra work in making their stuff available but knowing that it's harder to rip all the pictures and data with the current setup de-incentives them from doing so. It makes sense but kinda sucks which is why I appreciate you doing this. You also post your stuff fairly quickly on other sites while others will try and delete all previous works. I guess what I'm trying to say is Thank You.


You're welcome! The ease of access to all of my paying subscribers is far more important to me than potential pirates. So I am trying to make it as easy as possible for you guys :B