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Updates have been pretty light the last 2 weeks, I'll have some sketches and stuff up soon, going to try and pack work into the second half of the month. I've been busy scouting for houses in rural washington/oregon since I might be moving soon.

On top of the normal problem of finding a good place, I've been trying to find a place with good internet. It's important to my work and it's a lot more difficult than you'd think trying to figure out what internet is offered at a place before you move there. Calling these places is impossible since they won't even talk to you about coverage or possible internet speeds unless you're buying a plan.

Will try not to let it effect my work output, just letting you guys know why the last couple weeks have had no updates, going to pack the next couple weeks with them.



I hope you guys find a nice place to settle into - best of luck!


I hope that everything will be alright, and good luck.


I can vouch for Washington. I Love it here.


I live in Washington now, I like it here! This would be a different part of it though.